Jumping Jasper

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Anabelle pov.
After, I finished the pot roast at least one third of it.  I see that Jasper and Edward are silently arguing.
I go over there and then they both look at me.
"What is it?"

"After Alice had attacked you, the council wants another meeting.  I have a feeling they are leaving."  Jasper explained

"What about you and Edward?"

"We already spoke to the council over the phone and we will be staying here with you but they still want us to live by the same rules but not that many restrictions." Jasper said

"Edward, are you okay with this?"

"Yes, I have decided that Bella and I should split up.  I can't handle the fact that she lied to me."  Edward said with an emotionless face.

I could tell that this was bothering him.  He loved Bella, she is his wife, the mother of his child and his mate but he just can't seem to trust her again.  I told him about everything he wanted to know.  He wasn't pleased after that.  His eyes got black with anger and Jasper didn't let him near me for a full three days.  He needed to calm down first before he got to close to me.  Jasper didn't like when people got mad around me.

"When are we going?"

"Tomorrow afternoon."  Jasper said gritting his teeth.

Did I upset him somehow?  I don't want him to be mad at me.

"Did I do something?"

Jasper eyes softens and he walked up to me and holds my face in his hands while one of his thumbs careses my cheek.

"No, I am not mad at you.  I doubt I can ever be mad at you.  I can't resist your puppy dog eyes."  Jasper said this chuckling.

"Hahaha.  Lol."

Then Jasper and Edward look at eachother smirking.

What? I just said Lol, maybe it only works when you are texting.

"Well, since we are going to walk into a war zone, how about a movie."

Then I led them both to the couch and I sat next to Jasper while Edward sat on the other side of Jasper.  We watched scream and I pretended to get freaked out and would be over dramatic and jump on Jasper.
Edward was holding in a laugh beside Jasper. 

That's right Edward let it out.  Let it all out.

Edward than gave me a weird look.

What?  Are you really that surprised?

He shrugged his shoulders in agreement to what I had said.

Then another part came on the tv and I did the same thing and Edward was laughing while Jasper looked at me curiously.

Edward next time a weird scene comes on then you have to join me.

He nodded his head in agreement.

Then right when that part came one both Edward and I clung to Jasper.  Jasper got freaked out

"Okay what is going on with you guys?"  Jasper asked amused but freaked out at the same time.

"Jumping Jasper what else would
we be doing?"

Jasper eyes got black and he gave me a playful grin.

Great, this is what I get for being smart.

"Yep and run."  Edward said laughing

Then I took off and Jasper was on my tale.

"Don't get me, I like my tale!"  I shouted throughout the house

I could hear laughing from behind me and from the living room.

Edward pov.

She has weird comments.  They are funny though.

After Jasper took off, I decided to watch something I liked.  I flipped the channel and Vampire Diaries came on. 
If only vampires were actually like that. 
I highly doubt that I would drink bourbon though.  I don't drink and it wouldn't make a difference, it couldn't affect me.

"Oh my my my little mate, time for your pubishment."  Jasper had said

"Wait...My what...I swear I have been good!"  Anabelle can tell that the major was out and ready to play.

Good luck Ana, you'll need it.

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