EPILOGUE; Years With The Kids

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Anabelle pov.

"Jasper, Where is Joy?"

I have been playing hide n seek with Joy since she seems to like it. I have been looking for her everywhere but I can't find her.  Joy finds a new place to hide every time we play.  Which makes it harder to find her.

Jasper points up and I follow his finger.  What I saw made me smile on the outside and the inside.   Joy is crawling all over the wall giggling and enjoying herself.

Both of the kids look five years old and we record everything so they can have some memories of what they were like as babies.  They may have only been infants for a small while but it is nice to know.

"Sweetie, come down."

Joy looks at me and starts crawling off of the wall.  When she was on the ground then she runs at me and hugs my legs.  I bend down to her level and kiss both her cheeks.

Then I felt small hands pull at the back of my shirt.  I moved to the side and held Eclispe close to me.  I kiss both of his cheeks and he giggles.  Eclipse is a mommy's boy while Joy is a daddy's girl.
I picked up both of my children and carry them both to the livingroom and sit them down on the couch.  I turned on the t.v. and they were both watching the History channel.

Jasper would tell them of his time in the south and the kids love the stories very much. 

Jasper walked into the room and sat down in between the kids and watched t.v. with them.  He winked at me and if I could blush I would.

I walk into the kitchen and finish the kids French toast and milk.  Whenever the kids eat a meal, I would sometimes put animal or human blood in it.  They have good control and never go blood crazy.  Also, I make two cups of animal blood so that Jasper and I can drink it together while we are with the kids. 

I pick up the plates and take it over to the kids.  I place the plates and drinks in front of Joy and Eclipse and they say thank you mommy then started eating.
Whenever they use manners it is so abodrable.

I turned around to go and get the drinks and Jasper hands me my cup. 

I take the cup and kiss his cheek.  Jasper and I sit on opposite ends of the couch while the kids sit in between us.

This is how we spend our mornings.  During lunch and dinner we all sit at the dining room table and talk with the kids.  They are under the age of ten but have the minds of ten year olds.

They both love trying new things and having new experiences.  We live in the mountains that is surrounded by woods.  Sometimes we would take the kids to the island that Jasper bought for him and I.  They love the island and the house.  Jasper and I help teach the children to control their abilities and we show them ours.

Eclipse loves to train and do stuff with Jasper that involves him to always do work.  He may be five but he is always moving around.

Joy loves to sing, dance and stuff with culture.  She even loves to sew and do crochet.  Joy enjoys making her own clothing as well.

I look at my husband and my kids and smile.  This is my family and we are perfect the way we are.

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