Days, Weeks and Months

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Bella pov.
It has been months, three months to be exact since the incident at the border.  We are allowed to stay but Renesmee has to go and stay with the Denali's.  I have full access to visit her whenever I please but Edward completely disowned her and kicked her out completely.  He said that he was sick of her attitude and thoughts and said that she wasn't the same little girl anymore, now she was my daughter.  The pack elders said that we stay on our territory and we can't even go hunting without being watched.  We are in so much trouble. At this rate will will have to leave permanently.  A week later after the accident we had Renesmee's birthday and the tension couldn't get any worse.  Edward hasn't even been back yet.  He stays at Carlisle and Esme's house in his room.  It has been three months since we have talked or been in the same room with eachother.  Rosalie and Emmett have completely ignored me.  And Jasper, well lets just say that it is no longer safe for me to be around him.  Jasper and Anabelle have bonded and it is half way through Anabelle's senior year so next year she will be a new born vampire.  Alice is still my friend and has been good company these last few months.  Carlisle and Esme still treat me as their daughter.  I tried to call Jake but when I tried to talk to him on the phone he cut me off and said to never call him again and at the end of the conversation he called me a Cullen.  My husband is mad at me, Jacob is mad at me, and my family attack me. I only have Alice and Renesmee left besides Carlisle and Esme.  They might be by my side but they haven't been with me as long as the others especially Edward.

Renesmee pov.
I can't believe that I have to leave my family just because I made one stupid mistake!
Stupid big wet dogs!
Stupid big wet Leah the dog!
Stupid father!
He was suppose to back me up but instead chose to rule against me!
Whatever, he's going to miss me and when he comes crawling back he is going to regret abandoning me especially Jacob!
My mom, Alice, Carlisle and Esme are the only ones in the family who talks to me and Rosalie used to adore me, what changed?
Well, so what I am going to go eat then say bye to mom and then she is going to drop me off at the Denali's.

Edward pov.
My family used to be perfect.  We were happy and now we avoided eachother like we were going to give eachother rabies or something.  I especially miss my wife, but lately ever since that day with Anabelle, I'm starting to question what do I really know about her.  Anabelle isn't as bad as Bella said she admits that in the past she has done wrong to Bella, some done in spite while some done because she was in pain.  She is completely calm around all of us even me and I climbed into her window multiple times.  I decided not to do that anymore because I went over there one night and Jasper thought that I was an intruder and knocked me out the window.  I don't know why but when I landed on the ground I laughed.  I think it was the shock or it was either the look on Jasper's face, who was also shocked.  The major had took control for a split second and he was in complete shock.  He grabbed Anabelle and jumped out the window to make sure he didn't hurt me.  I told him I was fine and of course I was still laughing so Anabelle thinks that when I hit the ground that I hit a funny bone that was nonexistent in vampires.  I told her I didn't know why I was laughing but I just was.

I know that I am suppose to be upset about the situation with Bella but when I am with Jasper and Anabelle, I completely forget about what is going on.

Now, here I am in the kitchen with Jasper and Anabelle is going to teach us how to make homemade chile. 

"She knows that we are vampires but here she is acting as if we are all humans and can eat food." I told Jasper laughing

"Lol." Jasper had told me smiling

"What?" I asked him laughing.  If I was still alive I would have run out of breath.

"Laughing out loud, she kept saying that yesterday.  I think it is some phase she just went through because now she just laughs or she comes up with  other abbreviations when ever I text her." Jasper had explained to me.

What?  I honestly don't get where all these new words or phrases come from.  I can tell from reading Japser's mind that he is just as confused as I am but is happy to see his mate laugh so hard and be so happy with him.  He is worried that she won't be as happy with him like he is with her but from what I get from her mind, Jasper makes Anabelle feel whole.

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