You are perfect for me

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Jasper pov.
I can't believe that I just did that in front of my mate and she doesn't even know me, yet.
She accepted me and the Major as her mate and I couldn't be happier.
While I drive back I am still angry, very angry.
So, here I am driving while gripping the wheel. Then all of a sudden I feel her warm hand rub my arm. I look at her and all I feel is concern. I send her waves of calmness to calm her down and she calmed down but she was still worried.
Are you okay? asked Anabelle
Yes ma'am I told her in my southern accent
She smiles at me.
What? I asked her.
I like your accent She told me.

What was that major? Asked Anabelle
I am Jasper I told her
She looked confused and I grinned.
I have different sides of me and Major is apart of me. I told her.
So when your eyes were pitch black, that was the major? Asked Anabelle
Yes. He only comes out to protect our mate and that is you or when extremely and I mean extremely angry.
Okay, so I am your mate? Asked Anabelle.
Yes ma'am I told her.
Then we pulled into the drive way and it is eight thirty.
Thank you She said to me.
Your welcome darlin and leave your window open, I will come and visit you.
Okay and then we both got out of the car and while she went in the house, I went to hunt first.
In Charlie's House:
Charlie- There you are, for a second I thought I had to send a search party because i thought that you got lost again
Anabelle- I told Bella what mom wanted me to tell her
Charlie- I am so proud of you
Anabelle- Why?
Charlie- You put your issues behind you and did what your mom wanted you to do
Anabelle- Actually dad it ended with Bella being extremely angry with me
(Charlie puts his hand of his face)
Charlie- Why would you do that?
Anabelle- Because she abandoned mom
Charlie- Are you sure that is all it is?
*Anabelle walks up the stairs and into her room*
Anabelle- What are you doing here?
Edward- I'm sorry to impose like this but I wanted to know if what you said was true.
Anabelle- Yes, that's why I hate her!
*Jasper enters the room from the window and immediately stands in front of Anabelle*
Edward- I'm not going to hurt her Jasper
Jasper- Why are you here?
Edward- To get answers that's all
Jasper- Well what is it?
Edward- I already got what I wanted to hear
Jasper- Then Get out!
*Edward jumps out the window and leaves*
*Jasper turns to face Anabelle and checks her for any injuries*
Jasper- Are you all right?
Anabelle- Yeah, he just surprised me
Jasper- I hope you don't think that I'm being over protective and possessive but your my mate and I don't want any other male around you.
Anabelle- I don't think your over protective and possessive, well okay you are a little but it's not that big deal
Jasper- I want to explain to you who I am and my past.  After I tell you and you want nothing to do with me then I would understand.
(Jasper had a sad look in his eyes)
*Jasper has just finished explaining his past and is now waiting for Anabelle's reaction*
Anabelle- Mate?
Jasper- Yes, darlin?
Anabelle- Your my mate and the past doesn't change that.
Jasper- You really are something
Anabelle- Remember I already know about vampires
Jasper- How do you know about vampires?
Anabelle- After I was told that Harry Clearwater died, I came here for the funeral and when I went to take a walk in the woods, I saw some red headed lady. When she lunged for me she was knocked away from me by some big black wolf. It was Sam Uley and then he had explained to me what himself and the pack were. Then he told me about the cold ones.  Including how Isabella had fell in love with a vampire.  At first I thought he was joking about the Isabella part but I was wrong and quite frankly considering they are still together then I had guessed that they were meant for eachother.
Jasper- What would you do if I had turned you?
Anabelle- Let me finish High school first then make sure that everyone is not suspicious.
Jasper- What would you do if Bella was in trouble and she needed your help, would you help?
Anabelle- I hate her but I wouldn't leave her behind.
(Jasper grins at Anabelle and checks her emotions and knows that a part of her really cares about Bella)
Anabelle- I have school tomorrow so I am going to lay down, will you stay with me until I fall sleep?
Jasper- Of course
*Anabelle lays down on the bed with Jasper next to her*
Jasper thoughts  ( I wonder...)

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