Oh, how does it taste that bad?

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Anabelle pov.
My life has been pretty well lately.  No problems from anybody and it is just myself, Jasper and Edward.  I found out who Edward was and when he first came up to me to describe who he was I immediately thought that he was just like Bella, I was wrong.  He is really cool or I like to call him chill.  Everytime I call him chill, he gives me this confused look and I just start laughing.

How is it possible that a hundred year-old vampires doesn't keep up with the teenagers.

Oh well, I guess it is up to me to help them out.  So, far Jasper has been keeping up pretty well but he still seems kinda of confused.

He has an adorable confused face.  I love teaching him the new things because then both Jasper and Edward try to correct me.  They still that words like lit and Gucci are not real words.

I walk downstairs to go see how the boys are doing with their cooking lesson.   I see them both laughing like idiots.  What is so funny?

Then Edward turns and looks at me and that makes Jasper look at me.  Jasper then ran over to me.

Jasper hugged me and then wrapped his arms around my waist.

"How is the cooking going?" I ask them.

"Why are you teaching us to cook?" Jasper asked.

"Because it is fun." I told them

Then they both just smiled at eachother and started to chuckle.

"What is so funny?" I asked

But that just made them laugh more.  Like really?  What is so funny?  I am so confused.

"That's a first." Edward said this.  And the next thing you know, they are laughing their butts off.
Come on, I want to know.  Did I say something weird.

I'm not going to ask, instead I will see how they did with my cooking lesson.

I put the spoon in my mouth to taste it but I ended up spitting it out.  Did I forget an ingredient again?

Hm, maybe I did but how does it taste that bad.

Then I turn around and I see Edward and Jasper in the ground laughing.

"Stop laughing you idoits, I think I forgot an ingredient." I yelled

"No you didn't, you just put in a wrong ingredient." Said Edward.

"Really, what was it?" I asked

"Taragon." Edward laughed

Then Jasper and I both started laughing.  Wow, I totally forgot not to add that one.  My bad.

"Darlin, just wow." Jasper said laughing.

I walked over to Jasper still laughing and missed him on the cheek.  Jasper then held me by my waist and held me close.  He rested his head on my shoulder. 

He really is the best.  I have never been in a relationship in years.  I really hope this can work out.  I have a feeling that I am starting to fall in love with Jasper.

Should I tell him?

I look at Edward and I see that he is smiling and nodding his head.
Edward mouthed the words tell him. 

I'll plan something so I can tell him.  Will you help me? I thought.

He nodded his head and grinned.

Are we making you uncomfortable? I thought

He looked confused but then smiled and walked out the room.  Instead of just walking out he threw away the bowl of food.

What the?  You can't just throw something away because it taste nasty, you make adjustments.

"That's weird." Edward yelled from the other room

*phone starts ringing*

I go over to the phone and pick it up.

*Anabelle in black*
*Other person on the phone*

*Hey, you miss me*

*Yeah, how are you?*
*I am good, so when are you coming back*

*Mom, come on.  I actually want to stay here.  I met someone*
*You met a boy!  Finally, a boy!  Did he propose?  What does he do?  How long have you been dating?  Are you getting married?  Should I be expecting grandchildren?*

*Mom please, we just met and I am pretty sure they can hear this conversation*
*Come on, tell me the details*

*Bye mom, love you*
*Okay, but the next time I call I want all the details so have a list ready to tell me what I missed*

*Okay, bye*
*Bye Bye and tell Bella to call me*

*Wait, she hasn't called you?*
*No, you haven't told her yet*

*Yes I did!*
*You did? Oh, okay then bye*

*Anabelle hangs up the phone*
I turn around and see that both Edward and Jasper are looking at me.  I am shaking and I run upstairs to my room and slam the door shut.

"HOW HARD IS IT TO CALL YOUR OWN MOTHER?!" I screamed and yelled.

I started throwing things around my room.  Putting holes and dents everywhere.  Then I feel arms grab me from behind.  I turn around and see Alice.  Alice then throws me out the window and then someone caught me.

I look up and see Edward.

"Where is Jasper?" I asked frantically.

A huge crash sound was made upstairs in my room.  Oh no, the major!

"Yeah, he's seething." Said Edward.

Edward then sets me down gently.  He puts me on his back and runs me back in my house and when we get to my room Japser has just ripped Alice head from her neck. 

I get off of Edward's back and run over to Jasper.

"Please be okay." I say while making sure he doesn't have any injuries.

"I am okay darlin" the major said.

"Good, now catch me." I said.

He looks at me confused but then I see darkness and fall.  The only thing I felt was Jasper's arms catch me.

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