Chapter Thirty - Two

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"Match the correct two and you will see;

Things are not as they appear to be.

Heirs born of power will win the war;

Bloodshed the likes not seen before.

An incorrect match with bring dark times;

Evil's power climbs and climbs.

Bringing the battle of blood and gore;

Until our race exists no more.

Chose wisely my son, fate lies with you;

Light or Dark, what will you do?"

A blinding light exploded before my eyes, jerking me awake as it had done so many times before. My body coated in a cold sweat and my heart was racing as I ran a hand through my hair in frustration. This dream had been haunting me every time I closed my eyes this past week. It was always the same, I was in a field of wildflowers and there were two girl standing a few metres away from me with their backs turned. They both wore floating white dresses with their hair billowing in the breeze around their heads. One blonde and one black, and no matter how hard I tried to reach them something always held me back. Then this chillingly sweet voice would come drifting in the breeze, always repeating the same message before the whole scene would explode into the white light and I would wake up feeling as though I were having a heart attack.

I really didn't know what to make of the obvious message, parts of it made sense but when I thought about the whole things together I just couldn't figure out what it all meant.The first few times I just reied to ignore it but it was getting increasing difficult to do that now. I hadn't had a good sleep for days and the lack of it was really starting to affect me. People were starting to notice, how could they not when I had deep purple bags under my bloodshot eyes, my skin was getting paler everyday and I had been havnig extreme difficultly concentrating on anything. Just last night my parents had asked me what was wrong but I just brushed them off, I was worried they would think I had lost my mind. Now, though, I wasn't so sure. All the mention of blood and war made me start thinking that perhaps I should mention it to my father and see what he makes of it all. Yes, that's what I'll do, I'll tell him this morning.

My mind made up I threw the bed covers off me and climbed out of bed, halfway to my wardrobe I realised I wasn't alone in my room. A butt-naked girl was still sleeping in my bed, Susie. Literally face-palming myself because I had forgotten I called her over last night, I dragged my hand down my face before shrugging my shoulders and collecting clothes to take to the bathroom with me. She would leave when she got up, we had had this arrangement of FWB for around a month now so I wasn't too worried about her clinging on me.

A quick shower and basic morning ritual completed and I was on my way to dad's office. I gently knocked on the door and entered when I heard him grunt for his visitor to enter. Quietly pushing the door shut, I attempted to collect my thoughts before turning to face him. Dad was sitting in his black leather chair behind his deep brown, large, wooden desk with a mountain of paperwork in front of him.

"Morning Blaze, you look like shit this morning." Gee thanks dad, like I didn't already know.

"Thanks dad. Actually I came to talk to you about why I haven't been sleeping if you have some spare time?" Even though I had decided to tell him what was going on, I was secretly hoping he would say he was busy and I could keep it to myself.

"I've always got time, what's going on?" A serious and concerned look was pasted on his face as he spoke to me while indicating for me to sit on the chair opposite him.

"Well dad. Ummmm. It's just that -" I trailed off unsure how to explain that fact that I was sure I was going crazy.

"It can't be that bad, just spit it out and think later."

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