Chappie 9

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I Would like to say a big thanks to pipiet_71 and evanescence1256 for their support for the story, all comments are greatly appreciated thanks everyone

Warning this contains some references that may disturb. Younger audiences

Chappie 9

Katie sighed as she locked up the dark library, after her encounter with Leo this morning she hadnt been able to control the emotions that were swirling around inside of her, how could she still feel desire for the man that is out to hurt her, she couldnt understand the conflicting emotions at all, and shed been so focused on what she was feeling there had been more than one occassion where she had spaced out through the day, taking several moments to realise she had just stopped doing whatever it is she was doing at the time.

She inserted the key to the main door and twisted it into the locks hearing the satisfying click of the doubed strengthed lock as it slid in place signalling the library safe and secure for the night. Katie hated working the late shift, she had been running late due to the moments she had zoned out from her surroundings, which meant it was eleven at night, the streets were deserted except for the occassional passerby or scurrying animal.

the night air was still humid but cooler than it was during the day, she was just ready to unlock the lock that held her bicycle in place to the wall of the library, when she heard muffled footsteps from somewhere behind her, instantly standing up and whirling around, she was met by the empty streets, her ears strained to hear any sound, to hear the sound of the footsteps but all was quiet, no sound marred the dark evening, the shadows seemed darker, more dangerous. Quickly fumbling with her keys and attempting to unlatch the bicycle, Katie felt the hairs on the back of her neck stand on end, a prickle of awareness of being watched shivered down her spine. The old fear attempting to rise up and cosume her.

Her heart beating so loud, she pulled the bike away from the wall and pushed it towards the step, before her ears picked up a sound immediately behind her, heavy breathing punctuated the silence mingling with hers, before she could spin around and identify the noise, big hands gripped her one round her throat one on her stomach, she felt the press of something cool against her throat instantly recognising the feel of a knife and remembering the feel of how a knife had felt on that night not long ago as it had plunged into her body. She opened her mouth to scream but the noise became muffled by the harder press of the force on her throat.

The breathing in her ear came in hard pants ''w w what do you want'' her voice sounded husky and it was hard to speak she could feel her breathing struggle to come out of her lungs through her tight throat, his hand on her stomach became caressing, making her skin crawl, his voice the husky voice of her nightmares whispered through her sending shivers down her spine ''hello baby, remember me, ive been watching you''. Katie felt her heart stop as she comprehended the words and felt the tell tale bulge of his excitement at her lower back, at the feel ohis sick pleasure her heart kick started and started beating faster, she had to get away that was the only thought that was running through her mind, god she had to get away, she had to. Plcking up her courage she stepped on the mans foot like shed seen on televison, his surprise released some pressure of the knife on her throat giving her the opperunity to scream for help.

She attempted to push away from the monster of a man, but his grip tightened on her pulling her closer to his body, ''now now baby that wasnt nice, you loved it last time, i can still feel how warm you were as i shoved my cock inside of you, ive missed you baby''. Katie felt the vomit rise to her throat, just as she heard the most wonderful sound in the world, a sound of a truck, she looked up and she saw a truck suddenly picking up speed as it neared the library, iilluminating her and her attacker in a yellow glow.

''Ill be watching you baby'' at his whispered husk in her ear the pressure on her throat increased as the knife slid against her breaking skin, before it had disappeared completely, not thinking about anything but her survival as she barreled towards the truck just as the truck screeched to a stop and two men emerged from the truck. Relief came swift and strong, as she recognised Jake and Leo, she was safe, she was safe, oh god hes back that was her last thought as darkness consumed her and warm arms caught her before she hit the floor.

Jake couldnt believe it, he had convinced Leo to let him call in at the library so he could see his best friend and see why she was avoiding him. As they travelled along the road his lights had shone on Katie stood on the steps he became instantly confused why was she just standing there, then he noticed the hand on her stomach, a glint of something at her throat and a shadow he could barely make out standing behind her. he couldnt believe his eyes, but he knew what he was seeing was reality as he heard Leo curse from the other side of the truck, before shouting " gun it Jake''. Just as they neared the library the man disappeared but Katie kept on barrelling towards the truck, slamming onto the brakes, he narrowly avoided hitting her as she just kept coming.

before the truck had even stopped both him and Leo was out of the truck and rounding the hood, Leo immediately rang the police and ambulance, it was then he noted the blood that was dripping down her neck and his heart froze in fear, as he neared her, she swayed and he saw her eyes roll to the back of he head before she slumped, he wouldnt be quick enough to catch her, but out of nowhere Leo swooped her up into his arms and spoke rapidly down the phone to the woman at the call centre.

Jakes training which had deserted him at seeing his best friend slump unconcious finally kicked in at seeing the blood on his brothers hands "Leo lay her on the floor, prop her feet on your knees, shes pale could be shock, i have a blankert in the truck to lay her on,'' at that he went and retrieved the brown blanket that sat neatly folded in the back of his truck. Jake heard the distant sound of sirens, as he joined Leo on the floor and gripping Katies wrist to test her pulse, her pulse beat rapidly againts his fingers.

Just as the ambulance neared he watched as Katies eyes fluttered and opened, and she groaned out his name and the words that had Jakes heart stopping in fear for his friend, her weak words expeneded any energy she had left and she succumbed back into unconciousness. The words echoing around and around his head and chilling him to the core .

Hes back Jay' her frightened eyes as she spoke the words tore at him clashinga nd feeding the all consuming anger, so he was back was he but the difference was this time Jake was here and he was ready and he swore to catch and kill the bastard.

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