Chapter 17

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Chapter 17:


-           Liam’s POV –

Day 30:

I sat up in my bed and rubbed my eyes.

I need a shower.

I slowly stumbled out of bed, still half asleep and into the bathroom; stripping as I went. I shut the door behind me and pulled off my boxers. I froze.

Wait a secon-- Why is the light already on..?

I rubbed my eyes again and noticed that the room was full of steam. I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I tensed. I slowly trailed my gaze along the bathroom floor until I found a pair of feet. I followed the feet up to see Niall staring right back at me.


We both froze on the spot, eyes wide, mouths gaping.

He'd been drying his hair and had kind of just stopped; the towel still on his head.

Holy fuck.

I couldn’t help it. I hadn't seen him in over two weeks. And since I still felt like shit from last night, I deserved a reward, right? My eyes started to wander; down from his bright blue eyes to his bare chest, then down over his abs and v lines, and then... I blushed and looked away. I could feel his gaze on me too and I could feel my body getting hotter. I blushed even deeper.

“Wha-What the fuck Niall?!” I managed to choke out; dropping to the floor and picking up my boxers to cover myself. He ripped the towel from his head and covered his privates, turning side on at the same time.

Hot dayum.

Uh oh, not now, please, not now.

“He-Hey, don’t you knock?!” Niall cried out; his face turning bright red.

Wait, we've seen each other naked before, I get my reaction but why is his so different..?

“Jesus Christ Liam, you scared the crap out of me!” Niall cried with a nervous smile.

'scared'... huh?

I clenched a fist and glared back at Niall as I gave my still-casted wrist a squeeze.

“...sorry.” I mumbled as I turned around and opened the door. “I didn’t mean to scare you.”

I left and slammed the door behind me.

-          Niall’s POV –


 Day 30:

The sunlight streamed through my curtains and filled my room with a warm glow. I marvelled at how even though I felt like shit, the rest of the world still moved on. And that’s what I had to do. Move on. I got up from my bedroom floor where I'd eventually passed out the night before and stumbled into the bathroom. I looked in the mirror to see bloodshot, red eyes staring back at me. I winced. I had huge bags under my eyes as well as a pale complexion that could have me mistaken as someone from the Adams Family. I stared back at my reflection and felt a wave of self pity wash over me. Last night had rocked me to the core.

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