#49 Valentine's Day

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Scott: "What's this?" you ask in bewilderment as he hands you a Tiffany & Co. box. "Oh Scott! We promised on no presents" you smile at him, before slowly untying the ribbon and opening the box. You gasp as you see the gold necklace with a bow pendent. "I know you've had your eyes on something like that for ages." he explains, with a lopsided-grin painted on his face. "Happy Valentine's Day, babe!" he exclaims as you jump into his arms and wrap your arms around him. "You really really shouldn't have." you muse. "Turn around so I can put it on you" he tells you. After he fastens the necklace he leans down and places a kiss on your neck, mumbling an "I love you" into the nap of your neck. You turn around and kiss him, your hands running through his hair. "I love you too" you beam back at him. You both share a moment, staring into each other's eyes, until Scott blurts "We should really get ready soon. We have a booking at that fancy French restaurant in the city for 7pm and it's-" "Dinner?" you interrupt, surprised at the plans he's made for the day. "Yeah" he smirks, "So go get dressed".

Stiles: Stiles had surprised you with tickets to London for Valentine's Day. "Should I dress fancy?" you call out to your boyfriend from the bathroom. "No. Just something comfy and casual, babe" he replies. "That will definitely do" he smirks, leaning on the bathroom door frame, watching you wrapped in your towel. "Actually, why don't we just cancel the plans and have a night in" he suggests, placing his hands on your hips and trailing soft kissed up your neck. "Not now" You giggle, trying to push him away so you can get dressed. Having decided on what to wear, you catch a cab to South Bank, where the London Eye is. Upon arriving, you are redirected straight to the capsule, as Stiles had a reservation. "This is beautiful, Stiles" you sigh, looking out at all the lights and buildings. He has booked a private capsule just for the two of you, and you had insisted on bringing take away pizza to eat during the rotation. "It's not the most beautiful thing here though" he smoothly replies, as you blush under his gaze. "Thank you so much for all this" you tell him, "Honestly, this is amazing!" You lean in to kiss him, placing one hand on the side of his face, the other hand's fingers laced with his. Your lips yield to the softness of his lips, and your hands run feverishly through his hair. His hands linger at the small of your back. You both relish in the passion, until you let out a gasp for breath. "I love you so so much" he whispers, "Happy Valentine's day". "I love you too, Stiles" you smile, before he closes the gap between your lips with one swift movement.

Derek: "GOOD MORNING, BABE!" Derek exclaims cheerfully, sliding the curtains open to let the morning sunshine in, much to your chagrin. "Just 10 more minutes" you mumble from under the duvet, placing the pillow on top of your head. "It's Valentine's Day and I made you breakfast" he responds enthusiastically, jumping on to the bed and under the duvet. He lifts the pillow from your head and kisses you on the cheek, accentuating the 'mwah' sound. "Urgh" you groan, "You are way too chirpy in the morning". "You love it." He smirks, as his arms snake around your waist, bringing you closer to him. You turn around to face him, rubbing the sleep from your eyes. He places kisses on your neck and cheek, as you giggle, noticing that his hands had slipped under your top. "Derek, stop!" you laugh as his slight stubble tickles you. "Not until you wake up." he tells you, his hands tickling the side of your stomach. "OKAY, OKAY! I'M UP!" you exclaim, jumping out of bed and making your way towards the kitchen. You turn around, looking at your boyfriend still resting on the bed with a smug look on his face. "I thought you wanted me to wake up" you grumble, annoyed that you could have stayed in bed. "I did. But I also like the view" he smirks, pointing at your hot pants, which you wore to bed, "On second thought, why don't we just have breakfast in bed" he continues, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively at you. You roll your eyes, too hungry to even take him seriously. "Come on, Derek! You said you made breakfast. I'm hoping you made pancakes" you reply, walking towards the kitchen.

Parrish: As you walk into your living room, you notice a yellow envelope on your coffee table with your name scribbled on the front of it. You open it to find a note written to you, clearly from Parrish judging by the handwriting. "Dear (Y/N), hopefully by the time you read this you have had some coffee and a nice lunch so you don't become annoyed at me. Today is a very special day, so I have set out some clues for my very special person (that's you, in case you're wondering). So let's continue with the first one: Roses are red, this one is blue. Sometimes I like to ride with you ;) You chuckle at his childish antics, pondering on what it could be. You walk around your house, attempting to scope out the item, until you pass a picture of you and Parrish on your third date, and you were holding- "THE BLUE BICYCLE. Of course" you mutter to yourself, jogging towards the garage, and lo and behold, attached to your bicycle is another envelope. "Congratulations! As you can remember, this is the bicycle you had with you when I first met you. Anyways, I know scavenger hunts are supposed to have more clues but I couldn't wait. So, make your way to the place we met that night, and maybe we'll have some afternoon delight ;)" You quickly take your handbag and lock the house, snapping your helmet in place and wheeling your bicycle outside. You make your way to the local park, where you had first met Parrish. Upon arriving, you spot him sitting on a picnic blanket under a tree, near the duck pond, with a picnic set up. "Happy Valentine's!" he beams at you as you drop your bicycle on the grass, running towards him with a giant grin on your face. You jump on him causing him to fall backwards out of surprise. You both laugh hysterically, with you lying on top of him. "I love you so much" he tells you, carefully brushing back loose strands of your hair. "I love you too, Parrish' you reply with a sincere smile, resting your head against his chest.

Isaac: Isaac was rummaging around the counters of the house, pulling things out of the cabinets and shoving stuff off the table to 'make room'. You watched from the living room, not having no clue what was going on. "Isaac, you alright? You asked. He peeked around the corner, 4 eggs balanced in one hand well the other held a carton of milk. "Fine, why do you ask?" He questioned. He didn't wait for an answer before diving back into the kitchen. "Isaac- are you cooking?" You asked. He let out a 'hmm' sound and you sniffed the air, smelling sugar and chocolate. "Wait no- baking?" You asked again. You stood up, walking slowly into the kitchen to reveal a somehow already flour covered Isaac who was mixing batter that had a few obvious egg shells in it. "Isaac..." You said,smiling fondly even though you were a little scared of what ever cacoction he was brewing. "I was making a Valentine's cake." He said with a shrug, sucking a bit of the mix off his thumb and grimacing. "Not the best, though." He added. You laughed, grabbing a paper towel and wiping some flour from his face. "Want me to go grab a cake from the shop?" You asked. He gave a thankful look, nodding as he shoved the batter bowel away from him and gave you a quick, ingredient covered kiss.

Liam: "So romantic, aren't you?" You asked teasingly as you sat down on the couch next to Liam. You didn't need to curl into his side because he pulled you in, he always took the opportunity to cuddle. "I am." He agreed, smiling widely. He had a candy bar on his lap, a few pieces missing from where you'd both ate a bit. There was a random movie playing, definately not one about romance though since it resembled a cartoon. "You're so weird." You said after watching the screen for a minute. "Hey!" He said, looking down at you with a puffed out bottom lip as you bit into a piece of chocolate with a semi-smile on your face. "In the best way possible." You added. He smiled, leaning in for a kiss that tasted of chocolate and the soda he'd been drinking. 

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