#14 His Voicemail After You Leave Him

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Scott: "I know you said you didn't want to hear from me again, but I'm so sorry Y/N. I didn't mean anything I said, I was just upset and tired and I just- I'm just sorry. When I told you to leave, I didn't mean it. I just want you to come back and have us forget about what happen last night. It hasn't even been a day and I know I can't do this without you. This fight isn't worth losing you. I don't want to lose you over a petty fight."

Stiles: "Hey Y/N. I know you probably don't want to hear from me and I don't really blame you. After today I wouldn't answer either. I just wanted to say I was stupid and inconsiderate and I know I don't deserve your answer, your sympathy, or even your love for that matter. If you don't call me back I understand. I won't like it, but I understand. Even if you don't feel the same, I still love you and I'm so sorry. "

Derek: "I thought when I woke up this morning that you would of came back from last night. I didn't think you took what I said so personal. What I said was stupid and I regret it and wish I could take it back. I can't see myself in life without you in it. I know you are my other half. I know you probably don't want to talk to me, but please Y/N, just give me one more chance for me to make it right I love you too much to let you leave."

Parrish: "I had a feeling you would send me to voicemail. You never did want to talk after a fight so I knew you wouldn't answer after you left. I'm just sorry Y/N. I don't know if you meant what you said but I mean what I'm saying now. I love you and I'm sorry, I'm so fucking sorry. Please Y/N just come back home or at least call me so I know you're okay. Take your time but talk to me. Please Y/N."

Isaac: "I'm not surprised that you didn't answer. I know what I did last night. It wasn't right and being drunk was no excuse for what I did or say. You didn't deserve anything that I said. I was being an idiot and I've never have been so sorry in my life. I feel so stupid right now. I don't know how I could let you leave. Just call me please Y/N. I don't want to fight with you, I just want to talk. Please, I love you."

Liam: "(Y/N) I know you're there. And, I just want you to know that I'm sorry. When you left, I thought it would be for the better, but it's not. I miss you, and I can't sleep, and I can't eat. Please just, just give me a chance to explain, you won't be sorry."

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