#22 He Helps You Dye Your Hair

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Scott: "You want me to do what?" Scott asks again, watching as you bend over while spurting the dye from the bottle in your hands onto your hair. "Can you check to make sure everything's covered?" you ask, handing him an extra pair of gloves as you stand up. You stand in front of him in an old button down already stained with hair color as he pulls the gloves over his long fingers and onto his hands. He pulls the strands of your wet hair aside as he inspects them. He reaches for the bottle in your hands, squirting some of the dye out onto the strands he finds that aren't covered. He sits with you while you wait for the color to set and watches as you shrug out of your clothes to step into the shower when the timer goes off. He joins you, scrubbing your hair until the water rinses clear before shampooing and conditioning your hair. "We did well, yeah?" Harry asks after you've dried your hair and inspect yourself in the mirror. "We did good" you assure him with a smile. You dyed your hair blonde.

Stiles: "Just pull the hair through the holes, you'll do fine" you assure a nervous Stiles who holds the pick in his hand. He starts off slowly, carefully pulling your hair through the cap as you ramble on about nonsense. He sits back as you apply the dye, watching as you coat the strands he that had carefully pulled through with a dye he still doesn't know the color of. He keeps you company in the bathroom before your timer goes off and even helps you wash your hair over the edge of the tub. "Until it rinses clear?" Stiles asks again, rubbing your soaking hair under the faucet as you nod your head. "Hmm, I like it" Stiles says later, after you've blown dried your now highlighted dirty blonde hair.

Derek: "I don't know what I'm doing" Derek tells you as he squirts the dye onto you hair. "As long as you cover everything, you'll be fine" you assure him, watching him in the mirror as he continues to rub the color into your dry hair. Before long, your hair is covered in the dye but Derek continues to inspect his work. "Are you going to do the front part?" you ask, pointing to the dry band of hair around your face. He gives you a small smile while tilting your head back to finish up. He plays the guitar while you wait for the timer to sound, setting it aside as you lean over the side of the tub. He rinses the color from your hair until the water is clear. Rubbing shampoo and conditioner into your hair, he washes you hair before wrapping a towel around your hair. "Did I do okay?" he questions, watching as you run your fingers through your now dry hair. "You did great" you assure him with a kiss. You dyed your hair blue.

Parrish: "Absolutely not." You say denying your boyfriends request to help you dye your hair. "Come on (y/n) I watch the hairdressers doing your hair all the time" he whines. "Watching and doing are two different things!" He sits by the bathtub watching you, only getting to whip the access off your forehead. You dyed your hair light-brown.

Isaac: "You think you can actually help Isaac?" you ask him making sure he knew what was at stake if he messed it. "I'll be stuck with this for at least a week if you mess it up." "I won't mess it up babe, now just give me the brush and shut up." You dyed your hair purple.

Liam: You didn't dye your hair.

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