#36 How He Wakes You Up

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Scott: You clearly hear the alarm going off beside the bed but you ignore it and stay in bed. Your boyfriend, Scott, rolls over to turn it off and sits up. He faces you and kisses you lightly all over your face. You can't help but giggle and turn to face him, "Morning." you say. "Good morning" he says with a smile. "It's time to get up baby." he says kissing you one more time. "Mm, no." Scott looks down at you, "Yes come on." "No, just cuddle with me for a bit. Please?" It's like Scott can never say no to you especially when you're being so cute so he lays back down and takes you in his arms.

Stiles: The alarm is going off and it's like your boyfriend, who needed the alarm was deaf and couldn't hear it. You should have known he wouldn't have woken up on his own but somehow you fell for his lie saying ''Don't worry babe, I'll wake up in the morning just fine and I'll wake you up before I leave.'' As the alarm keeps buzzing it's pretty obvious that's not how it's going to go so you reach over Stiles and shut off the alarm. You rest your arms on Stiles and play with his hair whispering his name. "Stiles, get up babe." He stirs a bit but doesn't wake up so you sigh and kiss him in hopes of waking him up. "Wake up." you whisper. "You're going to have to kiss me again." he mumbles. You roll your eyes but kiss him, he smiles and finally opens his eyes, "Sorry you always have to wake me up." you simply shrug, "It's alright babe. One day you'll be able to get up by yourself."

Derek: You love your boyfriend with all your heart but just once you wish he would wake you up in a cute manor instead of always setting the alarm and simply telling you to wake up with a kiss. Waking up with a kiss isn't bad but a morning cuddle isn't bad either. This morning is no different, the alarm went off and Derek got right up and went to the bathroom then returned to get you up. You refuse to get up though and stay in bed. "Sweetheart, you really have to get up." Derek tells you as he starts to change. "I'm not getting up until you cuddle with me!" Derek sighs and finishes putting his shirt on then goes over to the bed and wraps you up in his arms. He only stays there for five minutes but it's a start.

Parrish: : At the sound of his alarm Parrish is up and ready to start the day. You not being a morning person stay in bed after the alarm already goes off. Parrish knows it'll be a while before you get up so he goes about his business. Finally after thirty minutes you are about to fall back asleep when your boyfriend runs into the room and jumps on the bed screaming lyrics to the Lion King. "Jesus Parrish!" you say angrily. Parrish grins and hovers over you with a huge grin. "Morning sunshine!" "If you weren't so adorable in the morning I would kill you."

Isaac: Isaac shuts his alarm off the second it goes off to not disturb you. You always seem to be the one waking him up so for once he wants to return the favor. He quietly leaves the room and goes into the kitchen to start cooking you breakfast. He decides to make you French toast, eggs, bacon and a nice cup of tea. Not wanting to ruin all of his hard work he leaves it in the kitchen and goes back into the bedroom, sitting on your edge of the bed and runs his fingers through you hair. "Baby, it's time to get up." At the sound of Isaac's voice you slowly open your eyes and smile at the boy. "Top of the morning to you princess." He says kissing you. "Breakfast is waiting for you in the kitchen." you smile and lean forward to kiss him again. You crawl out of bed and follow your boyfriend out to the kitchen. "You should wake me up more often." you say digging into your food.

Liam: He's usually one to sleep in, but his sleep ins are never as long as yours. So he'll definitely be up before you, and because he can't help himself, he'll have to wake you up. He assures you that it's because he's bored, and can't bare to be awake if you aren't. So he'll lean over, brush your hair back and press gentle kisses to your shoulder. Then he'll kiss up your neck and to your cheek, before catching your lips with a chuckle. Of course you woke up when he kissed your shoulder, but you wanted a proper kiss so you pretended to stay asleep. 

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