#33 Showering Together

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Scott: His dimples instantly appear as soon as you slide open the foggy glass shower door, his hand gently pulling you toward him underneath the hot stream of water. His lips find yours until he decides to pull back and secure them to your neck and collar bones, causing your skin to tingle beneath his gentle yet passionate touch. The tips of his fingers slowly creating goosebumps on your skin as they travel from the top of your back to your sides, grasping you to pull your body closer to his as the steamy water continues to scatter around you both. You rest your hands on his toned abs before tangling them in his wet mop of hair, moving some wet strands stuck to his face as you gaze up into his lustful eyes; his lips pressing excitedly against yours once more until his hands aren't able to control themselves any longer.

Stiles: "Yeah?" he cheekily smirks as you bite your bottom lip nervously and look up at him. You nod your head and chuckle "Yeah babe, I'll shower with you," causing a grin to emerge as he interweaves his fingers with yours, leading you into your shared bathroom. He quickly starts the shower, the room steaming up quickly as he walks back to you. He rests his forehead against yours, kissing you while his hands unclasp all the buttons on your shirt; exposing the skin he's been waiting to set his eyes on. He quickly removes his own shirt and pulls your bare chest to his as his lips met with yours once more. You smile as he pulls away and you both remove the rest of your clothing before walking into the shower. He doesn't waste a minute, his warm body instantly presses you up against one of the cold tile walls, making you shudder underneath his touch. Your hands travel over his chest until they rest behind his neck, your fingers slightly pulling on his dark wet hair just how you know he likes it. You smile as he starts breathing heavier, his plump lips attaching to yours passionately as his hands make their way to where you've been wanting them.

Derek: You watched as he removed the navy blue cotton t-shirt he had worn that day, the sight of his abs causing your stomach to fill with butterflies. "I'm jumping in the shower really quick alright?" he spoke, smiling as he turned around to look at you. "Okay," you answered back, your heart race increasing as you continued to gaze at him as he walked into the bathroom. As soon as the shower started you put down the book you had been reading and quietly undressed while walking into the already humid bathroom, sliding the shower door open before resting your hands on his strong shoulders. He quickly turned around to face you, "I couldn't resist," you muttered as your hands now laid upon his chest causing him to grin. He bit his bottom lip lustfully as he gazed at your bare body, leaning in to press his lips against yours while his arms soon wrapped themselves around your waist, pulling you as close to him as you could get. "I can't either," he mumbled back cheekily before his lips began exploring the rest of you.

Parrish: You lathered your sweet smelling shampoo into your hair, closing your eyes as a few suds decided to travel down your face. You stepped underneath the stream of warm water in front of you to rinse it off as you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist, a pair of lips soon attaching themselves to the nape your neck afterwards, immediately causing goosebumps to arise all over your body. You turned around to face him, "Well good thing you aren't an axe murderer," you chuckled. "I'm the opposite," he spoke. "Really now?" you questioned raising your eyebrows at him as his forehead rested on yours. "I'm about to make you feel so good," he cheekily grinned, causing your breathing to rapidly increase as his lips crashed to yours. Your hands went straight to his neck, pulling him closer to you as his hair began to get saturated with the hot water surrounding you. His hands slowly moved from your sides to the small in your back, pulling your hips to his. His bright eyes soon gazed into yours, "Ready?" he murmured while his hand went to your cheek, rubbing soft circles upon the blushed area as you smirked and nodded your head.

Isaac: "Take a shower with me?" he asked as you continued to cuddle in his comforting arms. "Of course," you spoke softly before you both arose off the bed and into the bathroom, clothes coming off quite quickly as you turned the shower on. He gently grabbed your hand and led you inside the walk-in shower, pulling you under the flow of hot water, steam surrounding you both and his arms held you close. Your bodies molded together perfectly as well as your lips, the scent of the cologne he had worn that day still lingering on his tanned skin as his mouth moved down to your collarbones. The stubble on his chin tickling your skin, causing your eyes to close as a wave of satisfaction overtook your body. A smile appeared on his face as a small whimper escaped your lips, his gaze locking with yours as he began tracing circles on your lower back; your skin tingling underneath the pads of his fingers. "You're so sexy," he whispered in your ear before his lips pressed to yours again, his hands soon slowly trailing down between your legs where you had wanted him most.

Liam: You were having a very stressful day, all you wanted to do was go home. You finished your pile of papers that your boss assigned you to do and went straight home. You undressed yourself as you made your way to the bathroom and turned the water as hot as you could. You stood in the shower and let the scolding water hit your back and your stomach. A few minutes later you noticed your skin turning red so you turned the temperature of the water down. You rubbed shampoo into you scalp and stood underneath the hose as the soap left your hair. You faced the water as you started to cry. You just needed to get it out, you weren't sad in any way, you were just so stressed and this is the best relief you could fine. There was a slight knock at the door and then it opened a bit "Are you okay?" Liam's voice rang through the bathroom, "Yeah." You lied sniffling a bit getting the water out of your eyes. You felt two arms around your waist, you turned around and Liam was standing behind you kissing your neck. "It's going to be alright." He whispered when he saw your puffy eyes. You turned around and put your head on his chest and cried again. He wrapped his arms around you and repeatedly told you everything was going to be okay. "What happened?" He asked kissing your forehead. "I'm just so stressed lately." You said letting your tears clear up a bit. "I'm sorry." He said rocking you lightly making your tears stop. "I'm here if you need me, and you know that." He added gripping you tighter. 

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