#41 How You Dance Together

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Scott: He puts his hands on your hips, keeping you close to his chest as the two of you sway in time with the music. The whole time his eyes are on you, admiring your features. Occasionally he'll reach up and brush a loose strand of hair behind your ear, seeing as he wants you to keep your arms over his shoulders - hands on the back of his neck. Then he'll squeeze your hips gently and chuckle, leaning in as he steals a kiss and lets you know just how much he loves you.

Stiles: Though he's not the most confident, he's usually pretty relaxed when it's just you two dancing. While you remain in the normal stance, his hands at your hips while you play with the hair at the nape of his neck, occasionally he'll take your hand and let you spin, always admiring you as you do. When he dances with you to the slow, romantic music, he can't help but realise how deeply in love with you he is. The whole time he's admiring you with the biggest grin on his face. Because you're his girl, and he's never felt so lucky.

Derek: Derek clasped his hand around yours, the other holding your hip. You had your hand on his shoulder, and he would lean down slightly so your foreheads were pressed together. It was incredible, the way that this embrace suddenly made the rest of the world slip away. It was just you two when you were like this. He would whisper to you softly, and other times he would sing gently along to the song. Then he'd squeeze your hand and press a kiss to your lips, shaking his head as he asked just what he did so right to deserve you.

Parrish: He holds your hand, his hand at your hip as he sings along to the songs that play through the room. Usually the two of you ended up slow-dancing in the living room after a romantic song played through the speakers, but tonight it was at a friend's wedding, and it still felt like you two were in your apartment by yourselves. He chuckled as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, smiling against your skin before he held onto you tighter, moving his arm to wrap around your lower back before he dipped you down and pressed a kiss to your lips. It induced a few cheers from the people that were still at the tables, and Parrish's grin couldn't get any wider - especially when you tucked into his chest and hid your blushing cheeks.

Isaac:  Your hands are clasped together, but Isaac has his arm right around your lower back, holding you as close as he can to his chest. His eyes are focused on yours, and although you usually aren't great with eye-contact, looking lovingly at each other couldn't feel more natural and right. He would occasionally grip at your back, or squeeze your hand, or whisper a quick 'I love you' as you continued to slow dance, before he would step back and hold your hand, spinning you around before bringing you straight back into his chest, where you'd lean your head down and listen to him hum along to the song.

Liam: You shift from one foot to the other ever so slightly, resting your foreheads against each other, he pulls you in closer to him. 

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