#35 He Forgets Your Anniversary

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Scott: : "Maybe he's planning a surprise for you. I'm sure you're just worrying over nothing." Your friend sent in a text after you told her how Scott had forgotten about your anniversary. "I doubt it he's been in bed all day :(." you replied not knowing he had already made plans to go out on your anniversary. "I'll be back later," he says fixing his jacket. "I thought we might go out, watch a movie or just do something together?" you suggest. "[Y/N] my friends are waiting for me we can do whatever you want tomorrow yeah?" he says before heading out. "Enjoy your fucking anniversary babe," you say before breaking down not knowing if he had heard you.

Stiles: You had been looking forward to a special dinner from Stiles for your first anniversary together for so long. You knew he was busy with work and everything but it was your anniversary. "I was just wondering if you could come to my place later I have something to give you. Ugh I love you bye." You say leaving him a voice mail after he didn't answer your calls. Two hours had passed since you had called him. You thought by now he had at least seen or heard the voice mail. Clutching the present to your chest you slowly made your way to your room felling sad over the fact he didn't even bother calling you back.

Derek: While Derek was at work you decided to make a special dinner to celebrate your 2 year anniversary. After setting the table you went upstairs to get ready for him. He had told you he wouldn't be there for long but it was almost ten in the night when he got home. The food was cold, and you had already changed out of your dress and into your pajamas. "What's this for?" he asks looking over at the dinner table. "You don't remember do you?" you question before getting up and heading to your room. "It's not your birthday or mine," he says following you. "Well in that case enjoy your anniversary dinner alone," you say before slamming the door on him.

Parrish: You and Parrish were cuddling in bed when he got a call, as he got up to answer it you hoped it wasn't nothing important. "Who was it?" you asked Parrish after he hung up. "Just Stiles wondering if I was gonna make it guy's night tonight." "Are you going?" you sighed. "Still don't know maybe," he shrugs laying down next to you again. Parrish was never good at remembering dates maybe that's why he hadn't mention anything. "Do you remember what day it is today?" you ask. "It's Friday duh," he chuckles. "Yeah Friday..." you trail off. "It's a bit boring so I'm gonna go with the guys after all," he says getting up. "Happy anniversary to me," you whisper to yourself.

Isaac: "Gonna be home a bit late! Love you [Y/N] !!" You read Isaac's text before turning off your phone. You were glad he had texted you, but disappointed in the fact he forgot about your anniversary. It felt miserable knowing your boyfriend of four years had forgotten such an important date. You looked around the empty apartment and wished he was there, you didn't care he had forgotten about it you just wanted him home. Everything you had planned was now ruined and you couldn't help but start crying. You had fallen asleep when Isaac walked into the room so refreshed not knowing your anniversary had been ruined.

Liam: In the four years you've been with Liam, you haven't actually been with him on your anniversary. That doesn't mean he misses telling you "Happy anniversary" on the actual day though. Until this year. You don't wake up to the usual "Happy anniversary babe, here's to many more" text and you hope that means its just coming later. But it doesn't. He doesn't text you and while you try to drop hints about your anniversary all day, he doesn't take them. He's working so he can't see you as you crumble to the floor of your shower. You get that he's busy but this your anniversary, you've been together four years; that's hardly long enough for him to forget.

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