#2 What He Gets You For Christmas

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Scott: Alexander McQueen lace dress.You had been wanting the dress for a while, and when you opened the box and saw what was inside, you gasped. "You like it?" Scott asked, smiling because he knew you did. "Oh. My. God" you squealed, opening your mouth. You went to cover your mouth, but your hands stooped and started waving. You wore it out to a date night a month later, and got a lot of compliments.

Stiles: Tiffany pearl bracelet.You and Stiles decided not to get each other much for christmas this year. You were both so busy, you didn't have time to get much for each other. When you got up, there was a gift on the bedside table. Stiles told you to open it, and you saw a Tiffany box. "Oh my" you said, opening it. You saw the pearl bracelet and your jaw dropped. "Stiles" you squealed, putting it on. You were it everywhere, you loved how classic it was.

Derek: Jimmy Choo Pumps.You and Derek were having a very childlike Christmas. You thought you had opened all the gifts, but Derek pulled one out from under the couch. "What have we here?" you asked, standing as you opened the gift. You pulled to top off the box and smiled wide. It was the pair of Jimmy Choos you had been wanting. You started dancing around, and Derek got a good laugh.

Parrish: Burberry Tote Purse.You had Christmas in your hometown, so you had gotten a lot of cute gifts. And given a lot. You didn't like to take money from Parrish, so you wiped your bank account buying nice things for his family. Parrish knew you were doing it, and he was really thankful. You got your gift from Parrish, and shook it. Everyone smiled and you opened it. You started waving your hands and smiling. It was the purse the money you spent on gifts was supposed to buy you. "Thanks baby!" you squealed, giving him a kiss. You wore it all morning... with your pyjamas.

Isaac: Swiss watch.You had been complaining about not having a watch for months. Christmas morning, you woke up and saw your and Isaac's tree. It was so pretty with the lights at night. Isaac came up behind you and put his hand on your back. "New ornament" he said, pointing at the tree. You looked closer and saw a beautiful swiss watch. "No!" you said, taking it off the tree. You put it on and looked at it. You smiled and started laughing. "Thanks babe!" you looked at him. He planted a kiss on your cheek.

Liam: He didn't give you anything,just Christmas' sex ;)

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