#40 Scary Movies

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Scott: «Why aren't you scared Y/N ? » Scott asked in the middle of the movie. « What ? » You frowned, not understanding why he was saying that. « You're a girl, you're supposed to be afraid when you watch a scary movie. ». « Well thank you McCall for that very sexist comment. But seriously, how could someone even be scared by this dude ? The blood looks like ketchup. » You said. He stared at the tv for a few seconds and finally looked back at you. « You're right. Next time, I'll choose a better one. You'll be so afraid you'll cuddle up to me so I can protect you ! » He exclaims. You rolled your eyes and smiled, amused by his childishness.

Stiles: « C'mon Y/N it's just a movie ! It's not real...Come on, get out of here ! » Stiles said. You were watching a horror movie but you hated that. You had just agreed because Stiles really wanted to watch it but now, you were hiding behind the couch, your hands covering your ears. « Is the man with the chainsaw gone ? Can I watch now ? Did he kill the dog ?! Oh my God please don't tell me he killed the puppy ! » You screamed, panicked. « Calm down, damn you're such a chicken ! » He stated, a bit blasé. « I'm not ! I just don't like those movies...There's no point in watching them ! » You retorted, offended. You folded your arms and turned your back to him. He sighed. « Excuse me babe, I didn't want to hurt your feelings. Do you wanna watch something else ? » He softly asked. You turned around to face him. « Yeah but you really wanted to watch this movie.. I'm such a pain in the ass. You know what ? Watch it, I'm gonna go read in the bedroom » You smiled, getting up. You were ready to leave the room when he caught your wrist. « No, stay. I just want to spend time with you, I don't care if we're watching this movie or another one. As long as I'm with you, it's perfect. ».

Derek: « Hahahahahaaa !!! » You both burst out laughing. « Oh god, this is so funny ! » You said, wiping some tears which had fallen from your eyes because of the laughing. « Is this really supposed to make us laugh ? I thought it was the 'scariest scary movie of the year'. Pfft, bullshit ! » Derek added. « Maybe the movie's not the problem. Maybe we are the problem Derek. ». « Seriously Y/N, you really think that someone could actually be afraid by this shit? Come on, stop talking nonsense ! » Derek answered. « Well, I'm just saying that if we hadn't started to joke about every single scene and if we had took it more seriously, maybe it would be scary. » You explained. « Hmm..Nah, it's too crappy. ». After another ridiculous scene that made you both roar with laughter, you finally answered « You're right. »

Parrish: « Could you please stop eating Parrish ? I can't hear anything with you eating crisps right next to my ear. » You eventually came out with after fifteen minutes. The two of you were watching a scary movie but you just couldn't focus on it with your loud and hungry boyfriend eating beside you. « But you know I can't watch tv without eating something... » He answered, pouting. « You know, I will always wonder how it is even possible for you to be so thin. You spend like 5 hours a day to eat ! ». « I don't ! » He retorted. « Yes you do. ». « My body needs a lot of proteins and vitamins, that's all. ». « Oh really ? Then why don't you eat a fruit ? It doesn't make any noise and it's full of vitamins, not like those crisps. » You said, not letting him a chance to defend himself. He looked at you for a few seconds and finally put down the bag on the coffee table. You saw he was a bit irritated so you put your arms around him and kissed his cheek. « I love you...my little greedy guts. »

Isaac: « Hey boo, you're sure you wanna do that ? » Isaac asked with a concerned look on his face. « Yes. I need to do this for myself. I mean, who could even be scared by clowns ?...It's stupid. Clowns are supposed to be nice and funny.. » You said with an uncertain voice. You had a real phobia of clowns since that very precise day where you were at the circus with your parents. You must be around 5 years old and that clown scared the shit out of you by doing something that was supposed to be funny but that you misunderstood because of your young age. Since then, it was a real disability for you. But today you decided to fight fire with fire and to watch a documentary about them. Isaac was not sure it was a good idea but watched it with you anyway. With your strange reactions and the weird scared noises you were making, he had the impression that you were watching a scary movie. He didn't say anything though, understanding you were really trying to overcome your fear.

Liam: You knew that once the rain drops were beginning to show on the bedroom windows that Liam would suggest the tradition you two had been keeping for a while now. "(Y/N)! I got the movie!" you hear him yelling into the flat, signaling that he was home. You ran downstairs in your plaid pajama bottoms and white tank top to find him in his plaid pajama bottoms and a hoodie, putting the umbrella in its usual spot and kicking off his wet boots. "Ooh!" you say, "What movie?" He gave you a devilish smile, knowing which horror movies you had been scared of when you saw the commercials or previews. "The Woman In Black. I figured since you had that Harry Potter obsession of yours, that you'd like to see Daniel Radcliffe in a different role," he answered, leading you to the living room, where he placed the disk in the DVD Player and sat next to you on the couch. Throughout the movie, you couldn't help but scream at exactly the right times and hide your face behind Liam's arm when those nerve wracking moments would occur. He would simply laugh and mess up your hair, often kissing your forehead when the scenes got a bit too scary. 

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