#28 He Cheats On You

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Scott: He had a guilty conscience. He would have gotten away with it; he was so close to getting away with it.  It gave him a rush, sneaking around with other girls and never getting caught by you, but it did things to his mind, to the relationship, and he wasn't the kind of guy to just straight out lie about things like that. So he's sitting you down, telling you that you need to talk, and then he's telling you what he did and how he it was so wrong of him to do that. He doesn't expect a positive reaction, and he knows the outlook is bleak.  You'd probably walk right out that door too; he knew that, because you weren't the type of girl to just stand by and accept things the way they were, if they weren't what you wanted them to be.

Stiles: "I loved you," You whisper, shaking your head and willing for the sight you had seen to be nothing more than a dream, "I gave you my heart, and you took it. You took it, and ripped it up to shreds, Stiles."  "Y/N, baby, listen-" He's trying to get a word in, as if that could save him from your wrath if he could just sweet talk you and melt your heart with his voice like honey. He's giving you that look too, that look he gives when he's trying to get something, but you aren't falling for it this time.  "Don't you dare call me 'baby'," you growl, "I am not your 'baby'. Not anymore."  "Y/N..." he sighs, and he's trying to get you to just stay for a moment so he can talk you into not leaving, grabbing onto your wrist to keep you from walking out the door.  "No, Stiles. You don't get to just pretend that it never happened and that this is all okay. That we're okay," You tell him, pulling away from his grasp and heading out the front door.  And then you're gone.

Derek: You walked in on him and some girl, and you can't help but think that you'd never had known if you hadn't. It wasn't like he'd tell you, admit to cheating on you. But now he's begging for a chance to explain himself, telling you that it's not what it looks like.  "Then what is it?" you yell, "If you're not cheating on me, what is it? Because that's what it looks like!"  He's silent, and maybe he hadn't expected that chance to tell you what had happened, because no words are coming to meet his lips and he's not making a sound.  You shake your head at him and walk out. He'd missed out on his chance, and he wasn't getting another one. He'd never see your face again.

Parrish: You'd seen him walking around with a girl last night, during the lengthy and time consuming drive back home from your office. At first you'd thought that he was just out with a friend, and there was no need to get jealous over him spending time with friends. But he'd thrown his arm over her shoulder and was whispering in her ear. She laughed, turned around and kissed him right on the lips. As if that wasn't enough of a shock, as if it didn't annoy you enough, you were devastated to see him kissing her back.  And it was then that you decided to turn the car around and drive in the opposite direction, as far away from him and that apatment you shared with him as you could get. And when he'd ask you about it later, with a desperate phone call, you'd straight out tell him what you had seen. He'd be a little unsure as to what to do, but you'd help him out and tell him.  "Hang up, and never call me again."  And then he's starting to say something, but you're willing to help him with the first part. So you hang up for him and all he can hear now is the dial tone by his ear and he feels horrible because he loved you and now he ruined everything.

Isaac: He wasn't the type of guy to be unfaithful; to toy with your heart as if it were nothing. But recently he'd found his eyes wandering and thinking things of other girls that he shouldn't be. You were married, for goodness sake, and he knew that he'd made a promise when he slid that ring onto your finger and said those words, "I do."  The words ripple through his mind. How could he hurt you like this? How could he break that promise he made you? That he'd always love you?  He doesn't know; he doesn't get it. He'd made a promise, a commitment, and now he found himself wishing for nothing more than to break it.

Liam: After a hard day at work, your boss decided to let you go home early. You were happy to go home and surprise Liam at the apatment that you guys shared. Walking in and unlocking the door, it was dark and you could just barely make out Liam's and...another girl's voice. You decided to sneak up on the situation, hoping he was just talking to someone. Getting closer to your guy's door, you could hear Liam and the girl. "OH MY GOSH LIAM!" A high pitched voice screamed. Shit, You cussed to yourself. "FASTER!" You heard. You decided this was enough, so you knocked on the door to see what they would do. Instantly, the noises stopped. "Fuck," You heard Liam breathe. "Hello?" He called out. You slowly open the door, with your eyes closed. "Y/N!" Liam shouted. "GET OUT" You commanded, walking in. You threw the clothes at the girl (who you didn't even know) and pushed her along. "Call me, Liam!" You heard her shout as she walked out. "LIAM, WHAT THE HELL!" You screeched, mad. 

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