Chapter 20

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Ok so the first half of this was forced out so it is not as good as it should be but the second half, my characters broke in and took over. Hope you guys enjoyed this and there will be a sequel to this story.

Jericho looked at Maddie. "What is a spiritual baby?"

Maddie looked at him. "Goddesses have this...Power. When they reach a certain amount of years, they can grow a body from their body."

Furra put her hand up. "That is a basic explanation but there is more. When the goddesses first started, we realized that while we were way more healthier than humans, there were still somethings we couldn't run from. Being barren was one of them. An oracle named Elo created this power for all goddesses. She wanted all goddesses to feel the joy of children because she never got to."

"She couldn't just give the power without a trade or consequence. So she set it that the power would activate every hundred years for every goddesses. If you found love then it was every fifty years. The consequence though was the goddess's child would have a death point." Roma continued.

"Amassy made Kellie. She put her in Kellie's mother's stomach and fixed the DNA. What Amassy didn't plan or know was the white gene in the woman body. The fates I guess decided to make Kellie white so they could kill her" Furra suggested.

"Which is probably why Amassy messed with her thread." Maddie whispered.

"But that doesn't explain why Amassy messed with it again..." Roma argued.

"Amassy grows with education. Education only grows through eyes."

"Amassy grows from learning. She can only learn when she sees how something is done. She messed with the thread to see how Maritae fixed it?" Furra asked Futra.

Futra nodded. "Love thy DNA and don't regret the body full born."

"Amassy just loves Kellie for her DNA. She doesn't love her though. She don't care if she kills her but she needs the body for the DNA" Furra suggested.

Futra smiled. "Hide the present for love and truth to be free"

Furra looked at her confused. "Hide Kellie and Amassy will tell the truth?"

Futra nodded. Furra looked at Maddie. "We need to-"

They heard an explosion. Roma glared at the ceiling. "Those bastards are back! Where is Selda?!"

Futra eyes glowed red and she vanished. Roma raised her hand and everything went dark. Some screamed. Furra pulled out a sword. It lit up with a blue flame. "They are coming again. I am gonna find Ghita and Selda. Call Upa for back up"

Furra vanished. Roma crossed her arms. "I don't need backup. EVERYONE SHUT UP!"

Everything and everyone went quiet. Roma waved her hand and a trail moved through the tunnel. "This is my journey trail. If you touch it, I will not come after you. You will be sent on a horrible journey. This will be our light source."

People backed away. Liecia pulled all the children back. Maddie glared at Roma. "Why are you doing this?!"

"Those bastards can't find you idiots."

A woman appeared. She grabbed Kellie and vanished. Maddie glared at Roma. "WHERE IS KELLIE GOING?!?!"

Roma glared back. "Touch the trail just so I can get rid of your ass. That was Upa. Furra probably told her to come hide Kellie."


Nathan opened his eyes and groaned. He looked to see a woman smiling at him. "Traveler Hello. Yusha is name my" She spoke.

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