Chapter 14

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So I have no idea where the heck these characters are going. I am just gonna let them talk it out now and I will just write :).

Santiago grabbed the back of Draven's shirt. “I am gonna put him in the shifting box. I don't trust him or anything till we hear from Maddie.”

“NO!” Arigette cried.

Santiago grabbed her arm and they walked off. Kellie looked at the sky. “For now, everyone go back home. We will let you know if anything changes”

The pack looked around then started going to their homes. Jericho turned to Nathaniel. “I know my cabin is not as grand as yours but I want my alpha close and I know she will want to be with Maddie. You are welcomed over though I really don't need to tell you since you have your own room there anyways”

“Sure” Nathaniel agreed. They all walked to Jericho's cabin. They walked in and Nathaniel shut the door. Jericho looked at Nathaniel. “You know the guestroom in the back right? Can you go lay May in there?”

Nathaniel nodded. He walked to the couch and picked up May. They both walked down the hall. Kellie followed Jericho to his bedroom. She watched as he laid Maddie on the bed.

Jericho covered her up then looked at Kellie. “We will let her lay here for now.”

“She will get through this. She just used all her energy.”

Nathaniel came in the room. “May woke up a little but fell right back to sleep.”

Jericho frowned. “Is it normal for her to sleep this much?”

Kellie smiled a little. “This is normal for a white wolf or at least I think it is. I slept a lot growing up. I think it is because our wolf is more on edge and uses more energy in the body than out”

“Well she won't sleep tonight I guess” Jericho sighed.

Kellie shook her head. “Maddie used to make this medicine that would make me sleep. She made it especially before the full moon because my wolf is up all night. I can make some if you really want her to sleep but she will energized tomorrow.”

“If it will get her sleeping schedule back and it doesn't hurt her”

“It won't. We just need to give it to her about her usual bedtime. I suggest we get her up at least five hours before bedtime so she will be awake enough and willing to take it.”

Jericho nodded. “What should I do for Maddie?”

Kellie smiled. “I usually just put a wet towel on her head and change it about every four hours. The coldness will keep her body calm so she can regain her energy faster.”

Jericho nodded and ran into the bathroom. Nathaniel chuckled and pulled Kellie in his arms. They walked to the living room and sat down. “So what did Maddie mean by we are at war?”

“I am not sure. She was right though. Dago has never refused to answer her. Even if they were in a battle, he would still answer her. The Laksha go by rules. When a witch, azul, warlock, or agnar are born, a Laksha is chosen to be theirs. Dago was Maddie's. While they are servants of the magic, they are also their protectors. They guard the magic orb and will battle a lot.”

“Magic orb?” Nathaniel asked.

“When..Someone like an azul or anyone with magic, the orb chooses their powers. From what Maddie explained, The orb holds the oldest magic in the universe. It decides who can handle and use the power. Maddie is the first person in eight hundred years to get the power of the stones. Maddie's mother had the power of the manipulation. She of course had other powers but this was her main one. The orb doesn't care if you are good or bad, it just gives you powers”

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