Chapter 6

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Ok so I have no idea where this is really going. My mind is just in writing drive right now so I am just letting it role out. Hope you guys enjoy.

Jericho laughed nervously. "It just suddenly came out"

Santiago growled. "It doesn't just suddenly come out. Only born alphas can release that aura and if you had it, then you would have challenged Nathaniel."

"Well do you sense anyone else with the aura?"

Santiago looked at Maddie and smirked. "Tell the witch to leave"

"I am an AZUL!!" Maddie screamed.

Kellie turned to her. "Its ok Maddie. Go a head and check on May"

Maddie's eyes widened. "What are you doing? If I leave the spell will quit" She whispered.

Kellie nodded. Maddie let down the spell and left. Santiago shook his head. "I knew you didn't have the aura. Who released the aura?"

Kellie moved around Jericho and looked at Santiago. "I released it. This is my pack"

Santiago looked at her then broke out laughing. "A white wolf can't be an alpha. What is the first thing you know about being an alpha?"

Kellie growled. "I am not like most white wolves. I am stronger and smarter. I may not be alpha material but I will care for my pack"

"You call Jericho a pack?!"

"Yes I do! Now leave here"

"Sorry but I want this pack"

Jericho stepped forward. "My mate is part of this pack. I refuse to let you take it"

"So you will fight me? This pack will never survive"

Kellie sighed. "You don't understand what you are wanting. This pack has two white wolves, a brown wolf, and an azul. You will never be able to handle it."

Santiago growled and stepped forward. Jericho quickly moved in front of Kellie. "This is my new alpha, Santiago. Now go back to the pack. Forget you have ever seen this pack."

"We will see about that"

Santiago turned and walked off. Jericho turned to Kellie. "We need to move. Santiago walked away now but that means he is planning something."

Kellie nodded. "Then lets get packing."


Draven smirked. His plan was working perfectly. Gwen should be dead so his next move was getting his mother. He knew that the only way to get the pack was to force Nathaniel.

He quickly moved farther into the forest and sighed. He could smell the warriors and Nathaniel doing a patrol. He waited a moment before he moved again.

He moved till he smelt his mother's scent. He smiled when he saw his mother freeze. She quickly turned around and sniffed the air. He moved back and waited.

A moment later, Arigette came through the trees. She glared at him. "Why are you here?"

"Let's go for a run mother. We haven't talked for a long time"

Arigette growled. "I am not going anywhere with you. I may have birthed you but you are not my son."

"Oh come now mother. Just because I killed half the pack doesn't mean you can hate me"

"That is exactly why! You destroyed the pack, you destroyed your family, and you killed my pup!"

Draven looked at her confused. "What pup?"

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