Chapter 4

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So I finally got inspiration from all the wonderful reads. Thank you guys. Here is the update.

Nathaniel slammed his hand down and stood up. Kellie and them left only a few days ago but his wolf was howling every second of the day. He turned when he heard a door open.

His mother sighed and came in. She shut the door then sat down. "Talk to me pup. Many members of the pack are fearful of your attitude lately."

"My wolf is just...My wolf won't quit being a...Its just my wolf, ok?!"

"Your wolf is howling for its mate isn't it?"

Nathaniel ran his hand through his hair and nodded. Arigette laid her head back. "I figured that would be the issue. I still say no mating with her"

"I never plan to"

"Good. Now I want to know why we are moving the pack. We have been here for hundreds of years and never had an issue"

Nathaniel quickly looked away. He could never stand lying to his mother. "I believe it is time for a change"

"Don't lie pup. What is going on?"

"Exactly what I said."

Arigette looked at him. "You only act like this when you know something will upset your father or I."

"Just let it go mom"

"Fine. Have you found a new beta?"

"Raven was second in the battle of the beta. He has taken over Jericho's spot"

"Ok next. I hear there is a new prisoner in Kellie's room. Want to explain that?"

"Raven found her and she was poisoned. He believes she may be a threat but she is his mate so I told him she needed to stay in the room under watch."

Arigette's eyes widened. "Poison. Do you know what...Is it his poison?"

"Calm down mom. I promise he is not back"

"That has to be it! You are moving the pack and that explains why you are acting shy around me! Draven is back isn't he?!"

Nathaniel looked at her with sad eyes. "It is his poison. I don't want to risk the pack which is why I have been trying to get us moved. That girl was a warning."

"We need to tell your father-"

"NO! I will not let this pack suffer because of him. I am especially not letting him try to hurt you guys again. You almost died the first time!" Nathaniel interrupted.

Arigette looked at him with fear. "How can he be back?! He was banished from the territory!"

"That never stopped him before mom. He seeks revenge against this pack."

Arigette felt tears start to fall. "When will we move the pack?"

"Soon. Very soon mom."

~~Kellie, Maddie, and Jericho~~

Maddie opened her eyes and groaned. Her head hurt and everything was spinning.

"Don't move" A voice whispered.

Maddie tried to find the voice but closed her eyes. "Calm your body down. You know you can't rush waking up." the voice continued.


The voice chuckled. "I believe that is my name. Rest for a few more hours. Let your body come back on its own time"


"I am safe. Sleep now. I will wake you if I need you"

Maddie nodded slowly and passed back out. Kellie shook her head and poked the fire. She turned to see a wolf run in. He dropped two rabbits then ran back out.

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