Chapter 15

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*******Eleanor's POV*******


"H-how did you find me?!" I was scared yet I was also happy to see him all at once. How is that even possible?!! I'm suppose to just feel scared not a combo of the two!!!!

"Don't worry about it, love. All you have to worry about is what that Jack does when your not around." What is he talking about?!?!

"What?! How would you know anything ...........about......what Jack does when I'm not around. Wait I don't have to listen to a single word that you say!" I spat right in his face........well sorta cause I was sitting down and he was still standing up infront of me.

"Your right you don't have to believe what I say, but I know that you will listen to what I have to say, cause that's the type of person that you just are. Then and only then if you want to you can look around and see that what I'm saying is nothing but true." I didn't say a single word to him, just looked at him with an emotionless face. He most of took that as a sign to continue so he did.

"Eleanor, Jack isn't who you think he is. He isn't worth trusting." He looked me straight in the eyes and I knew that he was very sure in every single word that he was speaking, but I wasn't conviced. But their was something deep inside of me that knew their was at least some truth in what he said. It was a weird feeling but I still felt it .......and I didn't want to feel it not about Jack.

"Will, I don't know. Jack is very trustworthy. He knows me like the back of his hand and I know-" Will (A/N: William will sometimes be refered to as Will.) cut me off midsentence.

"But do you truely know him like the back of you hand Eleanor? I'm pretty sure that you've told him all about your past, but has he told you everything about his past? Does he know your biggest secret, the one no one knows? Has he told you his biggest secret? Has he stumbled across that one topic that you hate talking about? That you cry over and over about? Do you really think that you know him as well as he knows you? Do you Eleanor?" 

Will made many questions that made me think. I looked down contemplating everything. Do I really know Jack?He doesn't talk about his family nor his past. And he won't tell me what's up with him and Cassie..........Maybe Will has a point!!!! Now that's a scary thought.

"I can tell you're really thinking about this, so I'm just gonna go and let you think about this. But before I go just remember to ask or even look around, do a bit of digging around. Just so you know the truth about who you're with."He said as he started to get up to leave me. So I grabbed his hand and yanked him back down to sit before he could even think about leave me.

"No!! Your not going to leave me  just filled with questions. You're gonna tell me more. You can't just tell me all of this and then just leave me to answer it all by myself!!!"

"Okay Eleanor what do you need? What can I do to help you understand this whole mess better?" I looked over at him. And he had this really soft look in his eyes as he looked at me. He looked so stunning right their, I completely forgot everything in our past as I looked at him. All the harm that he himself had caused me, all the yelling all the insults... everything it was just forgotten. Then I remebered how I felt when I first met him. I felt very simliar to this feeling.

"I miss you." A small smile spread across his face.

"I miss you too Eleanor." My face must of mirrored his because I could feel a faint smile spread across my face.

Then I noticed that the space between Will and I was alot smaller then it ever was before. He was also slowly starting to lean in too. I think he wants to kiss me, should I let it happen? Shit what should I do?? I started to lean in but then stopped as I thought of what I was doing.

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