Chapter 2

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*******Eleanor's POV*******

     After I told Jack everything that I could possibly remember from that night, I actually felt a lot better. I didn't at all feel like a completely mad person. But the one thing that I found a bit odd was the fact that he seemed to understand everything, almost like he was there. But maybe it's just me, I mean there's no way he could understand that much cause he was never there.

     Suddenly my thoughts were broken when Jack spoke, my mind moving from my thoughts to focus on what Jack was about to ask me.  

"So do you have any form of a relationship to help you through this rough time?" The way he said it made me think that he was asking for his own curiosity.

"Oh yes, I am engaged." I simply said it not even with a fake smile.

"Hmm..... you don't seem to happy about your engagement, may I know why?" Jake asked with a genuine look in his eyes.

I never liked the idea of being engaged to a man I truly don't love. I always believed that it was better to get married for love. But of course I could never say that.

"Oh.... ummm..... it really wasn't my idea to get married, it was more, of arranged by my parents and William's parents before either of us was ever born."

"Oh... and how do you feel about this arranged marriage?"

"I ummm.... well I never really believe in marrying just because you were told to. I always thought marriage was more for true love. But of course I don't have that option in my life, and well I probably never will.

"Most arranged marriages are arranged for a reason like for example; to solve a problem like when you owe some one something, or money problems. So, do you know what reason your marriage was arranged for?"

"Ummm..... actually I don't. The marriage was kind of keep from my knowledge until I got to be a teenager. which was when my parents told me that when I turned 18 I was to be married."

"And you hate that idea of not having the freedom that you always saw you friends having?"

"Yes, I always had to be responsible and never look at other guys my age, I always thought I would marry someone my own age. But William is not my age or he is a good 7 years older then me."  

     I saw as Jack scribbled something on his black leathered note pad. I never noticed that it had a gold J on it. It looked quiet worn out but at the same time it looked really nice.

"And how do you think you would see William if you two weren't engaged, but still knew him?"

"I guess I would say that I would see him as a very close friend."

     Jack scribbled something on his black leather note pad again. It was driving me mad that I had no idea what he kept writing. I was suddenly startled by a loud beeping that sound like it was coming close to Jack. I was so loud it made me jump a little.

"That sound means that our session is now over." it all passed by really quickly.

    As I got up I thanked Jack so much for just listening to me. And left I was a bit nervous under his stare, I have no idea why.

   As I left Jack's office and in to the waiting room I headed to the streets. I was going to walk home, not going to take a cabby.

   As I walked I couldn't stop but think if it was wrong of me to be more attracted to Jack then to William? But he seems so true but it also seems like he has a secret just waiting to get out, and i want to be the person he tells. But then again it could just be me with the whole secret thing, but everyone has a secret that they don't want others to find out about.

   By the time I reached William's house I was completely flustered. Once I got to the door it took me a minute to actually knock on the door. But once I did the door swung open, I was met with a angry looking William.

"WHERE THE BLOODY HELL HAVE YOU BEEN ELEANOR!!!!!!!!!!!" William was shouting at me. He was obviously drunk he always gets like this when he is drunk.

"I-I-I  w-was with that t-therapist that y-you made me go to." I was shuttering, why the bloody hell was I shuttering. Was I scared or something?


"YOU FUCKING PRICK!!!!! HOW THE BLOODY HELL COULD YOU FUCKING SAY THAT TO ME!! HOW COULD YOU JUST INSULT ME AND RUIN THE PEACE OF MARY!!!" I was shout and I could just feel the tears starting to form in my eyes. William obviously saw this because his face features changed into a more "I'm sorry look mixed with "I was drunk" look.

 "Bbbbaby I'm soooo sorrrryy. Pleassse forgive me bbbbaaabbyy." He tried acting cute by making his words longer.

"No!!! you bloody prick how the fuck am I supposed to forgive something like that."

"Like this....."

   Next thing I know his lips are crashing into mine. It was rough and sloppy. I knew exactly were he wanted to go with this but I'm still pissed as fuck with him, so he's not going to get far.....he never does.

   *******Jack's POV*******

     I can't believe it I murdered her best friend and I think I'm doing more then just fancying her, I think I might..... love her. How could I Jack the Ripper be in love, is this some type of punishment made by someone greater than me?

      ******One week later***** (Still Jack's POV)

       Moments after Eleanor walked into my offices, was when I came out calling for her to have our session starting. And just like last time Eleanor came in, but this time she had a little white envelope that had "Jack" written in cursive right on the front of it, in her hands. Eleanor walked in the room, I was already in my very comfy chair. She handed me the white envelope with my name on it. I opened it, it was a invitation. Was she really going to invite me to her wedding?

"What is this for Eleanor?" I asked genuinely confused.

"It's an invitation to my wedding, love." She spoke so sweetly and lovingly and gave me a sweet little smile.

"Why would you ever want to invite me to your wedding?"

"Because you know more about me than my own fiancé does."

I was a little shocked about what she told me, I mean  we only talked for a good three hours but she's known him her whole life. But I was also a bit pleased.

"I will happily attend your wedding Eleanor." I gave her a smile of pure thankfulness.

      A faint smile creaked onto Eleanor's face. The session continued. As it did I felt myself getting closer and closer to her by the minute. The more she talked the closer I felt to her. When the beeping started, over was our session was over to soon for my liking.

"Hey ......ummm...... Jack do you want to have lunch later or something?" Eleanor asked a tad nervous.

"Yeah that would be just lovely."

"Great would you like to get some tea with me down by the old café?"

"Yes, that would be lovely, I'll be outside or shall we met you there?"

"I'll met you there, and I must get going now."

"Very well, good bye see you later!"

"Yeah she you later."

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