Chapter 14

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*******Cassie's POV*******

I woke up early the next morning to get the plan in motion.This plan has to work, it just has to. Everything just has to go right! Other wise life won't be worth living for. Not with out Jack...

I got up and out of bed then got dressed in the most causal way I could. But I was in a hurry, I didn't honestly care what I was going to wear. Just had to get moving as fast as possible.

I wore a light dress since summer was approaching, it was down to my ankles. I put on a new pair of shoes that I bought, the sales man called them flats because the were flat on the ground. I liked them.

I quietly made my way downstairs. I passed the kitchen and wondered if I should get something to eat. I'm pretty hungry....and it's better to do things on a full stomach, helps you think better for some reason.

So I did go get some food, I looked for an apple or maybe a pear. I just found a pear. I took it and headed for the door, just as I closed the door I heard a shuffle coming from the upstairs.

Maybe they're just getting up? Or Jack heard me in the kitchen this early? Was I being loud? No I don't think I was being way I couldn't have.

I quickly got out and walked on the grey brick side walk. It was a lovely morning, it looked a bit droopy but that's how I like to see the day. I don't know why but I just do. It's pretty weird though.

Should I call a cabby? Yes or no?? Ahh.... Nah it's not that far away from here. I can walk for a few minutes, not like some walking is gonna kill me or something like that. If any thing it's gonna improve my health.

So I walked, I got their in ten minutes. A new record for me! YES!! 

I walked up the steps took out the key and put it into the lock then slowly turned it. I walked in, but it was weird their was an eerie silence, their wasn't the usal hum of the ceiling fan or the buzzing of  the flys.

Slowly and cautiously I walked in. As soon as I did I senced that someone else was also here with me.

Suddenly there was a shuffle in the room I could only see the outline of the shadow, it was too dark to see anything other than the outline.

The curtains were covering the window, the candles were yet to be lit, so it was pitch dark in the room which wasn't much help in my case.

"Where is she!" the voice was low and raspy I could tell it was a male right away, with demanding and desperation clear in his voice.

"Where is who?" I'm very confused who is she? And how the fuck did he get in here??

"You know exactly who I'm talking about!!!!!!"

"No I really don't!!!!!!" I said honestly.

"Ughhh.....Eleanor ......dammit where is!?!?!" The voice grew more and more desperate with every word he spoke. But as he spoke a smirk formed on my lips because I knew exactly who he was.

"William...." My voice was just above a whisper.

"How did you know??" He spoke with confusion and alarm.

"Who else would be hiding in the shadows and asking for the where abouts of Eleanor? Huh?" It was obvious that it was William I had to be drunk not to see it, it's just clear.

"Oh.....ugh......well your right it is me."

"Yeah I know." I slightly chuckled then notice he also chuckled as well.

"Yeah so ugh.....where is Eleanor?!"



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