Chapter 10

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*******Jack's POV*******

I ushered Eleanor into my flat. Once she walked in I locked the door behind myself. I lit a few candles in the living room. It was then that I realized that I brought Eleanor to my flat, my place were secrets lie, hidden from all but one.

"So this is where you live huh, Jack?" She looked around curiously. Luckily I didn't have anything that signaled who I was hiding around the first floor.

"Yep, this is my flat. Do you like it?" I looked around myself. Everything is so modern, with books all around the walls, just shelf after shelf of books. I mean I could make another libary with all the books I had in this one room alone.

"It's nice! And I see that your quiet the book worm aswell!" A bit of blush krept up onto my cheeks.

"Yeah, I am are you?" think think goddamit how are you going to hide the guest room from her? I have allof my equipment in that room!! I'm forgetting something but what their is sonething else that I'm forgetting but I can't remember.

"Oh yes I am!  Tou almost never find me without a good book in hand." She seemed so relaxed right now.

"What do you enjoy reading?" Why can't I think straight. I can't concentrate on shit. Wait!!!!!!! Where will Eleanor sleep???? My bedroom of course.

"Romance, and Mystery mostly, how about you?"

"Mystery and horror." What if..... no definatily not!

"I suspeced that." she had the cutest little smirk plastered on her face.

"Is that so?"  No but seriously where will Eleanor sleep? Not the guest room that room will be locked up. She might be able to sleep on the sofa..... No that would be very rude.

I looked at Eleanor she looked as if she was about to say something but justthen there was a loud thunder sound fallowed by drops of rain. Which made Eleanor jump.

"Eleanor are you tired?" Her attension went to me as she nodded her head.

"Yeah just a little though." I put my arm around her and we started walking in the direction of the stairs.

"Let's go I'll take you to my bedroom so you can go to sleep." Suddenly Eleanor stopped and looked up at me.

"What is something wrong??" Why did she stop is she not comfortable.

"You said your bedroom."

"I did????" I could just feel my cheeks filling with blush.

"Yeah you did." A smirk slowly made it's way onto her face. "But I won't be alone will I, Jack?  Thunder storms scare me."

"Don't worry Eleanor I won't leave you alone in my bedroom." Once again we started walking. We went up the staircase.

Once we were in front of my bedroom door I  twisted th door knob to open it.

"I like your room Jack, it's very much like you." A chuckle escaped my lips.

"How is it like me?" My tone was playful.

"Well it's mysterious, calming, relaxing, and comforting just like you are."

"Really you think I'm mysterious, calming, relaxing, and comforting now do ya, love?"

"Yes I do, love."

Just then I remembered that I had to go lock the guest room up.

"Hey Eleanor I will be right back." She nodded slowly still looking around my bedroom with curious eyes.

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