Chapter 1

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Sorry if all late with updating. I also want to say sorry in advanced for my writing, I'm kinda new to actually letting people read my stories. So I would really appreciate if you guys could give me tips and let me know what parts you like.

"Police Man Andrews, what seems to be wrong miss?"

"My friend, you see was being murdered by Jack the Ripper!" Eleanor Eve cried out. As William tries his best to calm his fiancé down but fails.

"Did you happened to see what um..... Jack the Ripper looked like?" The police man was a bit odd.

"No I did not see what he looked like. He was looking down at Mary, not looking at me." Eleanor said with a mix of sadness and annoyance.

"Calm down my love, theirs no need to snap at the officer." William was trying his best to control Eleanor but she has always been a strong willed girl.

***Jack's P.O.V***

" I was caught, I can't believe it !!" I said out loud in my empty flat.

But that girl she was stunning, her long wavy brown hair accented her face so beautifully and her eyes the most perfect shade of caramel/hazel eyes.

I just can't stop thinking what if she is one of those harlots? But she was not dressed like most harlots would dress, she was dressed more elegantly not at all trashy.

 But why can't I stop think about her? Maybe it's because she was the first to catch me during one of my killings. Yeah that's probably why, I've never been caught so that's why I keep thinking of her that has to be why.

***Eleanor's P.O.V***

So I was convinced by William to go to some therapy (like a complete mad person). But none the less to my fiancé. It's not like a would have a say in it.

***A Day Later***

Once I got to the therapist office I checked in with the secretary. Then I took a seat and started thinking. I barely noticed when my was being called.

"Is there a Eleanor Eve here???" said a young man who I assume is the therapist.

"Oh yes, right over here. I'm so sorry." I felt so bad for not paying attention.

"Don't worry about it love." said the young therapist

I got up from m seat in the waiting room and made my way to the office. As she made her way to the doorway she took a moment before walking in to the room to look at the very young therapist. He looked young maybe about her age, short brown hair, he had some amazing eyes they were a electric blue shade. But her my thoughts were disrupted by a slight cough. Eleanor looked at the therapist, who was introducing himself.

"Hello there I'm Jack, I will be your therapist. So please take a seat Eleanor Eve."

"Oh please you don't have to use my full name just call me Eleanor."

"Eleanor it is."

***Jack's P.O.V***

As I was calling for some girl named Eleanor Eve..... I saw her, the beautiful girl, the girl who had caught me in the middle of the murder. I was speechless, at first I thought she had seen my face and had brought the police to come get me. But suddenly my thoughts had been scared away when Eleanor Eve started getting up and saying sorry . Was when I realized that she did not recognize me. I felt relief go through my whole body. I introduced myself to her. She introduced herself and with that our session had began. 

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