Chapter 3 Continued

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A/N: OMG so sorry for the other chapter getting cut short but her is the ending to Chapter 3. And I made Chapter 3 extra long to make for the wait.

**********Eleanor's POV*********

William stopped our carriage. I didn't dare look William in the eye. But I finally worked up the nerve to look him in the eye and I was shocked to see that he was crying.

"William that will never happened." I said as tears started to roll down my face. I couldn't help but cry along side William. It was true you can't learn to love someone, love is supposed to come naturally. 

"Eleanor don't you think I know that. With what happened today, with what I saw I can see you love that Jack fellow more then me." I could tell he was fighting back the tears that were threating to spill on his cheeks once more.

He can see it? But how I can barely see it myself. Does he understand it? Cause I sure as hell don't. "But William how can you......" He cut me off

 "Eleanor when you talk about him your eyes sparkle. When you hear anything about him your eyes sparkle. When you see him your eyes sparkle. But you never get that with me. You've never once gotten that sparkle for me."

" does this mean that there will be no marriage......"

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