Chapter 20

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"What was he doing here?" I questioned Eleanor.

"He was just dropping by." She responds as she starts walking away.

"You didn't answer the question, what was he doing here?" I ran to her.

"Nothing he was just checking up on me. You should calm down Jack, Alice is here we can talk about this later." She whispered to me.

"Fine." I huffed with irritation and anger.

*******Eleanor's POV*******

I could tell that Jack was mad but I wasn't try to make a scene in front of Alice. We got to the office fast. We were early to insure that we could set up different things before the patients started to arrive. Once we were inside the building I got right to work.

"What exactly do to help?" Alice looked at me, then I noticed Jack went straight into his office. I thought for a second.

"You can grab a few of those books over there and put them at that table." I told her point to different spots in the waiting room.

"Does it matter what I grab?" She asked.

"No, not really. Just pick what ever you like." I smiled at her while I started to look threw a few papers.

"Alright then." She headed towards the books.

I was looking for something to do myself. I usually helped Jack in his office but I knew that he was angry right now so I didn't even  bother with it. 

"Anything else I could do to help?" Alice asked again.

"I thought about it for a moment. I started to shake my head before Jack entered the room.

"I could use some help in my office Eleanor." He looked me straight in the eye. I only nodded.

"Okay in a second." He nodded and walked back into his office. "Why don't you go help him Alice." She gave me a smile and walked towards the office.

Now that I was alone I sat down at the desk and just thought about what Adam had come to ask me. I was freaked out when he told me, but then I kind of liked the idea of it. Then when Jack came outside I freaked out inside. I didn't like when Jack was mad at me. I knew Jack would hate the idea so much.

Just then the front door opened and Cassie's head popped in. I was a little confused.

"What are you doing here?" I questioned her.

"I'm too nervous. Come outside please!" She sighted after she pleaded.

"Alright." I gave in and walked outside.

I walked outside to Cassie. "What do you need?" 

"Tips please? I don't really know what to do with a guy.. that I want a relationship with. I only know my bad habits." She looked down in shame.

"I'll help you." We were their for a good five minutes discussing what she should be doing verses what not to do.

"Thank you El!!!!" She cheered. She started to get up in order to leave but I stopped her.

"Wait!! I need some advise myself.." I told her. She looked surprise to see that I needed her help with something.

"What do you need?" She smiled happily.  

"Okay so Adam.." I started but Cassie interrupted me.

"He kissed you didn't he!!" She squealed.

"No!!! I probably would of died and Jack would go on a murder spree with Adam as his first victim. " Cassie and I both laughed.

"He offered me a detective job with him." I said Cassie let out another squeal. 

"YOU SHOULD TAKE IT!!!!" I smiled.

"I would but he's opening it up, and that would mean he and I would be working together everyday and very closely..." Cassie had a blank look.

"So?" She questioned.

"Jack.." Is all I really had to say, you could see when she realized it.

"He would freak!!!" She basically screamed.

"I know, but I don't know what I should do..should I tell Jack? Should I just say no to him? I just don't know what to do Cassie." I say almost in tears.

"Just take a minute to think about what's best for you Eleanor." She gave me a kind smile which I really appreciated. "It doesn't matter what Jack wants it's what you want. Just remember that." 

"I agree it's what you want Eleanor." Were the words that came from behind us. These words made me freeze with fear. I looked at Cassie first and she looked like she was about to piss herself. Slowly I looked back to find that my eyes had already been locked with his eyes.

I opened my mouth to say something but I couldn't I was to scared, scared to know what Jack had heard.

"I hate to leave but I don't want to be late. We'll talk more later Eleanor." I nodded at her.

"Eleanor I need you inside right now." I only nodded. I walked up the small set of stairs, he hadn't left yet.

"Jack?" I said in a whisper wishing he heard me but at the same time wishing he didn't.

"Yes?" I questioned.

"W-what did you hear?" I shutter as fear of what he says.

"Whatever you want me to hear." Then he kissed my forehead, I smiled. 

"Does that mean you heard everything."

"No, it means I only heard what you want me to hear." He gave me a small nod and went back inside. As soon as he went inside I smiled to myself.

Once inside I saw Alice talking to Jack in a hushed voice, I questioned it for now. Jack looked up and smiled to me.

"Eleanor when Jared arrives can you please greet him and bring him straight into my office." I nodded and smiled remembering how Jared got last time when no one was their to properly greet him. I shook my head at the thought of it.

"Yeah" Jack said awkwardly, then walked into his office.

"Who's Jared?" Alice looked at me.

"He's one of Jack's more sensitive cases."  She only nodded.


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 19, 2015 ⏰

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