Falling for the Ripper

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Jack was walking to the corner of Allen and Maple, were his newest victim awaited him.

Eleanor Eve was looking for her best friend Mary, because today was the day that Eleanor was going to free her from this hell that poor Mary had to work. Mary was for the lack of a better word a scarlet, Eleanor would not allow Mary to sell her body like that at least not anymore. But as she walked by an alley on the corner of Allen and Maple. She saw a figure, it looked like that of a man over what seemed like the figure of a women. Who was just lying on the ground. Eleanor walked a little closer and quickly realized that the figure of the women was that of Mary. Eleanor gave a loud scream. Disrupting what the man was doing. Eleanor could only assume that the man was "Jack the Ripper". She looked away just for a second to make sure that the police was on it's way. By the time she looked back he was gone. The police arrived moments later, but it was too late for Mary.

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