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amara rahman

it instantly went from freezing fucking cold to hot as zayn malik when we entered cj's house.

i immediately ditch my sweater, "i don't even know why you brought one." bri says.

"i don't know how you didn't! it's cold as hell out there."

she shrugs with a smirk, "thots never get cold."

i roll my eyes but instantly freeze when i felt a hot breath fan over my neck, "i'll take that."

i whip around, facing cj who grabs my sweater from me. "i'm glad you decided to come." he smiles warmly.

"it wasn't my choice." i say, feeling the need to defend myself to make it completely clear that i didn't willingly come here.

"right." he grins, "come downstairs with me, guys."

we walk downstairs to his basement, where majority of the smokers were. i hold my breath as i walk past them, and also partly because cj put his hand on my lower back.

we walk out to his patio, which was a little secluded area below the ground. decorated torches were lit and people stood around there, talking amongst themselves with the music blasting.

"yo, greene!" we all look back, towards a table where a bunch of boys stood. "come join us! we're about to start beer pong."

cj gives them a brief nod before turning to us, "enjoy yourselves, ladies. drinks are upstairs, and there's food everywhere."

i smirk slightly at his confidence, "cj, where are your parents?"

"on a business trip." he chuckles, "so don't worry, we won't get busted."

cj gives us a thumbs up before walking towards his friends. "you guys are so cute." bri gushes, grinning at me.

"bri." i send her a warning look.

she holds her hands up in defense, "all i'm saying is that you two could be a cute ass couple. the opportunity is right in front of you."

she looks towards cj, and i do too. he stood with his friends, setting up a few cups. he no doubt looked hot, and for a few seconds, i myself began questioning why i'm not taking this opportunity.

and then i remembered.

"i'm hungry." i tell bri, leaving her side and walking towards a big table set up with bags of chips lying everywhere.

i grab a bowl, filling it with some barbecue chips. "fancy seeing you here."

i look up at jack who stood at the other side of the table. "you too." i joke, closing the bag and grabbing my bowl.

"come and join my friends." he offers, "we're all partying upstairs."

i look back at bri, who'd migrated towards cj's group of friends.

"okay." i shrug, following him inside. i look back towards bri, receiving a glance from her and cj. she gave me a slight look of confusion, while cj's jaw had slowly clenched.

i instantly look back and follow jack upstairs. i immediately recognize his group of friends, who all welcomed me politely.

"ew, what are you doing here?" derek jokes, making me roll my eyes.

"aren't you supposed to be working today?"

his friends laugh and his cheeks redden, "wait..i'm supposed to work today?"

"yep. right now." i lie, crossing my arms.

his eyes widen, "shit!" he walks into the kitchen, grabbing his phone.

"he's not supposed to be working today, is he?" nate smirks.

i shake my head, grinning. "nah."

"you're funny!" some girl giggles, setting a hand on my shoulder.

i look at her with my eyebrows furrowed and take her hand off of me, causing jack to laugh.

"kyla, this is amara. amara, kyla."

"hi." i murmur shyly.

"hey!" she slurs, poking my nose and giggling once more.

the music turns up and the group walks into the large crowd, swaying to the music.

about 15 minutes or later, it'd seem like most of the people in the house had joined.

i'd managed to find ravyn, and we danced on each other. i throw my arms around her, moving my hips to the beat of some trap song.

i was enjoying myself until a pair of hands grab my waist, pulling me back. i turn, grabbing onto cj's shoulders as he brings me closer.

my eyes widen at how close we were, "cj..people are looking."

"i don't care." he murmurs, tilting his head to the side and placing soft kisses down my neck.

i bite my lip, looking ahead of us and seeing heads turn towards us, including jack's.

"fuck." i mumble, wrapping my arms around him. "i can't, cj."

he stops, lifting his head up and looking at me, "come on, amara. you know you want to."

i bite the inside of my cheek, looking at his lips until i finally place mine on them.

the kiss was short, but impactful. it was all i needed to remember everything.

i pull away, feeling his hands grip tighter onto me, "my room?"

i let out a sigh, resting my head on his shoulder and nodding, "yeah."

nick mara is a god bye

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