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amara rahman

"i think they'll be good, right? i mean, most of the good players are on the field. honestly, i can't even see the scoreboard. you see it? what's the score? ...amara!"

i snap out of my trance and look at ravyn who'd scoffed at me, then looked where i had been. "oh, gross."

"yeah." i murmur as we watch jack's arms link around meredith's waist, her skirt slightly rising.

"do you like jack?" she asks curiously.

i shake my head, "no, no. i don't know, he seems interesting to me."

"what's so interesting about him?" she snorts, "he's the most boring dude in the group."

"that would be derek."

"derek's cute." she counters with a small grin. "plus, he's got tattoos. that's interesting."

"he's got a girlfriend." i remind. "and he's about as interesting as a rock. their IQ's match, too."

"him and his girlfriend?"

"no, him and a rock."

she lets out a loud laugh, catching dirty looks from the people beside us. "i think you spend way too much time with him."

"you think?" i ask sarcastically.

"where's cj?" she asks, looking around.

i didn't even bother looking, given i could care less. instead, my eyes find jack again.

now, he's made it back to the field, and caught me by surprise when i saw his parents, along with a little girl. must be his sister.

all of them were pretty emotionless, except for his sister who had been running around with nate and johnson.

jack's dad patted him on the back, while his mom hugged him, tight.

a disturbing thought creeped up on my mind. what if his brother dies?

what if he's already dead?

fortunately, i don't think that's true. otherwise, i'm sure his parents wouldn't have made it to his game today. let alone, jack.

i haven't been really attempting to keep up, either. usually, i'd somehow subtly ask javi about his well-being, and he'd usually report back to me with enough information to keep me satisfied.

i thought about it the entire game. and finally asked javi when i got home.

"you know your friend, the one in the hospital?" i ask casually, getting comfortable in his bed.

he narrows his eyes at me for making myself at home in his bed, before taking a seat on the edge. "you mean my only friend in the hospital?"

"well, i don't know your friends." i shrug. "you do hang out with a risky crowd, who knows how many of your friends could be there."

he shakes his head, "you aren't making any sense, amara."

"whatever." i mutter, "how is he? any updates?"

"why do you care?"

"geez, javi. i don't know, maybe because i'm a human with feelings! am i not allowed to care?" i exclaim dramatically, and he rolls his eyes.

emotions, jack gilinskyМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя