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Mephisto pv

We sat on the couch and watched T.V,

I think she was bored.

"Are you bored?"


"What do you want to do?"

"I don't know,"

"We can go to the mall, girls like malls right?"

"Yeah, but I hate Hollister and American Eagle, they smell,"

"Where do you shop?"

"Rock America, sometimes American Eagle but only for jeans, and sometimes I got to Hot Topic and embrace my inner emo,"

"Your inner emo?"

"Yeah when I was younger the teachers called me the rebel without a cause,"


"Because I didn't trust anyone and I hated everyone, I didn't listen to the rules and was suspended quite a lot,"


"One time because I vandalized a picnic table,"

"Really? they suspended you for that?"

"Yep, and an other time because this girl kept throwing erasers and pencils at me, so I threw an eraser back and it hit her forehead and it bounced off hitting the teacher

"Hahaha that's terrible but funny!"

"Not really I almost got expelled,"

"So you shaped up?"

"No, the reason I wasn't expelled was because I had 'untapped potential' or something like that,"

"Well you do swing that scythe pretty good,"

"How do you know?"

"You killed that demon remember,"

"Yeah but you weren't there,"

"Yeah I- erm I mean the teacher told me about it,"

"Really? cause the teacher wasn't looking,"

"Ugh fine I was there! jeez,"


"Because I wanted to make sure you didn't cause any trouble,"


"Because that scythe allows you to control elements, no one else can to that,"

"Well it's kind if in the blood line from my mom,"


"Yeah like Shimas family they all have that staff, well my family has this,"


"Yeah that's why my mom had me at a young age so the bloodline doesn't end,"

"I see, so are we going to 'embrace our inner emo'?"

"Um not dressed like that,"

"Why not I wear this all the time,"

"And you look stupid, you will stick out like a green thumb,"


"Because pink, isn't in the vocabulary for Hot Topic,"

"Oh dear,"

"Yeah it's a cruel world," I said rolling my eyes.

"Was that sarcasm?"



"I usually am."

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