Swimming with Demons

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Alice pv

I woke up excited because Mephisto told me we were going to the beach with the other cram school students.

I found a black bikini with a Nirvana logo on the right cup. I kinda looked like Shura except b cup. Mephisto wore swim trunks surprisingly not pink ones but green ones and a black t-shirt.

I had a t-shirt and shorts over it. on the ride there it was quiet so I broke the silence.

"You know Renzo is going to be there,"

"Yes I do,"

"You know I'm going to hang out with the students and not you,"

Taking a breath in and releasing it while talking he said

"Yes I am aware,"

"I just don't want you to get mad,"

"I won't, besides I'm still going in the water,"

"Oh okay,"


I got out of the car and walked down the beach until we found them. Shima ran up to me he was wearing orange trunks and no shirt, for a fifteen year old he had a nice the six pack. All of them did Ryuji, Rin, Yukio, Mephisto all except Koneko who wasn't there. the girls all wore bikinis Shiemi with a pink one with flowers and Izumo had a purple one.

We had a picnic, Mephisto and Yukio talked awhile. we all went in I took my shirt off and shorts. Renzo had his mouth open and Ryuji went over and closed it.

"Stop looking you perv!" Screamed Ryuji

"Hey not my fault your sisters hot!" Shima said

"Why you!"

Mephisto grabbed Ryuji while Yukio grabbed Shima.

"Alright you to," Mephisto said calmly

"Oh piss off you weirdo!" Ryuji cried

"Now now no need for that Ryuji,"

I face palmed

"you are all morons, congratulations!"

I walked towards the beach

Shima got out of Yukio's grip

"Wait Alice!"

I kept walking

"Ill go talk to her," said Mephisto

I sat at the water when Mephisto came over he put his hand on my shoulder.

"Don't touch me!" I said slapping his hand. I got up walking back to the cram students.

"Alice!" Mephisto shouted after me.

"No stop! you are so clingy and needy give me some space!"

"I uh I'm sorry," he said bewildered

"And you!" I said pointing to Ryuji

"Me?" he said

"I just found out you were my brother, not even two weeks ago! stop acting so protective like we've known each other our whole lives!"


I turned it was Shima he had his hand on my shoulder.

"And you I-I don't get you, you are so pervy! you think of girls as objects or or play toys!"

"A.J stop," Mephisto said turning me around.

"No! you stop! you always flirt with me! you are leading me on! this *i gestured to us* is never going to work! you are my principle ok?! not my boyfriend!"

"Alice you know that's not true-"


My fists were at my sides now and Mephistos cheek was turning red into the shape of my hand. I turned around Shima was in my way.

Mephisto pv

"Renzo please," Alice said


"Renzo MOVE!"


He walked and wrapped his arms around her, her face just below his chin.

"Renzo move!"

He hugged tighter She punched his stomach. He winced.

"Alice stop,"

Alice stifled a sob and cried into his chest. Seeming relieved he loosend his grip.

"This is really disappointing," she said through crying.

"Why is that?" asked Shima

"Because you have a six pack and Im crying on it,"

He laughed

"What did you want to do on it ;)?"

"Not cry,"

"Heh you are so unpredictable,"

"Is that a bad thing?"

"Yes and no,"

Alice looked up at him, he nodded towards the water where the other girls and The twins were.

"Do you wanna go swim?"


She wiped the years from her cheek. All I could think was that I would kill to be where Shima was to be comforting her to be making her smile, I wanted it to be me. Instead I was getting yelled at by Ryuji.

When we left there was an awkward silence.

"So how was the water?" I asked


"Don't what?"

"Don't act like this is okay!"

I took a breath

"No your right I'm to clingy I'm always jealous an its weird, I shouldn't be doing that I'm a grown man,"

"No stop!"

She hugged me tight and all I could do was hug back. I was sitting on the seat,

I pulled her onto my lap. I wiped her tears.

"Why are you so nice?"

"I'm not that nice only to pretty girls like you ;),"

She hugged me and I kissed her cheek.

"It's ok Alice,"

I put my hand against her cheek and rubbed her cheek bone with my thumb, she lifted her hand to mine and put her forehead against mine.

"Nothing will change my love for you,"

"Not even Ryuji?"

"Not even Ryuji,"

"How are you not mad?"

"I'm not mad I was just worried when you said that, I thought that I had forced you to like me,"

"No I like you by myself,"

She kissed me hard, I kissed back. It was weird kissing her like this, she bit my lip on accident. she went to the hem of my shirt and went up pulling it up. I swatted her hand.


"What did I do something wrong?"

"No it's just I'm not going to take advantage of you like this,"


I laughed

"What?" she asked

"It's just I thought I would be doing that,"

"Well when you try ill say no,"


I kissed her one last time and then we got out, I held her hand as we walked up to the house. She fell asleep watching a movie so I left her on the couch.

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