Run Away

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/ugh it's so hot I've been walking for hours/

It was true I had been walking for quite some time, I was more running but had stopped because I was tired. I was insistently biting my lip ring, I stumbled over my converse. I was wearing torn black jeans and a black tank top, my hair was pulled into a ponytail, it was long and black with a streak of blue. My scythe felt like it was gaining pounds every minute. when the sun went down I decided to find a place to crash, not long after I found a huge mansion. I walked up to it and answer I knocked again...... no answer just as I was about to knock again a tall man opened the door he had black purple hair, and forest green eyes like mine he was wearing the weirdest robe,

/what a clown/

"Hello can I help you?" he asked, he was wearing a robe but I could see his chest

"I-uh-I-I-I nee-"

my vision become spotted and went black. the last thing I remember is falling face first into the guys neck then going limp. I woke a few seconds later but, I was in that state of half awake half asleepnes. I was laying on some thing cold, floor I assume "Oh dear what has happend to you," I groaned, I felt arms go underneath my legs and neck. I was being lifted up, I rolled into the persons chest, they were warm it was comforting like home. when I moved he swayed, he ended up against the wall I groaned really loud and put my hands around his neck. He lifted me up again up this time as you would a child, one arm around the back one underneath my butt and my legs around his waist. My head was nested against his neck and my arms clutching him. He walked into a room and laid me in a bed, I laid there helpless. he walked away and came back with a bottle and cotton balls.

"I'm assuming it was a demon so, Holy Water I will clean your wounds,"

I meant to say thank you but, realized he said Holy Water he took some and dabbed my deep cut from my elbow to just before my wrist, I let out a blood curdling scream

"Im a demon you asshole!"

he looked amazed the wound sizzled.

"I didn't know you were awake,"

I laid back down he got up again and returned with peroxide. He took my arm gently and applied the peroxide I grunted

"Ow," I said, he laughed

"Better then Holy Water?"

"Hell yeah,"

"So what's your name?"

"Alice Jessica Aburame,"

"My name is Mephisto Pheles,"

"Ow, cool,"

"So where did you come from?"

I remembered, I was attacked by bullies I had enough I drew my scythe and attacked back they were strong five against one isn't exactly fair so I ran.

But, I lied "Oh I was just wandering,"

"Oh? did you fall?"

"What? oh, yeah, I uh fell,"

"Mmhm so um how do you explain the bruises the deep gashes and burns on your body?"

"Oh it was a mother of a fall, you see, I fell down a hill with um lots of sticks and then- you don't believe a word I'm saying do you?"

"Nope, I don't I see how you would get burns from sticks, so what really happened?"

"Some bullies they attacked me and I ran,"


"I fought back and i gashed one if the guys,"

"I see,"

"Do you have my scythe?"

"Hmm? oh yes! but do not worry! you just sleep,"

"Why are you being so nice?"

"When a pretty girl *wink* passes out on my front step, I feel obliged to help,"

"So, this happens often?"

He laughed "No, not to my knowledge,"

"Hmm, hah OW!"

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I have to get the glass out, glass? why is there glass in your cut?"

"I have not idea,"

"I need to stitch this,"

"Ok fine,"

"Hmm well you should really sleep, A.J,"



"Whatevs, don't let anyone call me that!"

"I feel special, A.j,"

"Oh god,"

I rolled over and he wrapped my arm so the stitches wouldn't get infected. then I fell asleep.

***********the Dream***************

I was walking down the side walk, my scythe strapped to my back, my hair was down and wind was blowing it in my face. Someone jumped from behind, and I flung them over my shoulder, other kids appeared in front of me I backed up more kids. I drew my scythe.

"Please, Max, leave me alone!"

"Why? afraid your ex is gonna beat you?"

"No I'm afraid seventeen kids against one isn't fair,"

"Hmm maybe, I wouldn't know I mean when you broke up with me you brought your friend Dean,"

"That's because I knew you would try to hurt me!"

"Oh not my baby, never, i would never hurt you,'

"Never say never,"

"Smart girl,"

Guy started at me with swords and bats.

/their really gonna kill me/

"Sie kirigacure scythe technique Tsunami!"

My scythe had the blade down and was pushing most of the guys away with a tsunami. Five guys came around and held me up Max held his fist ready for my face.

"," I said between gasps. I pulled out a holy water bomb.

"You will get hurt to!"

"It's better then dying!"

I pushed it. they let me go and I ran and ran then found Mephisto, if I didn't they probably would have found me.

/Mephisto why did I think if him in my dream? I mean he's odd but pretty attractive, his goatee is weird it tickled my neck when he carried me/

Can demons love?Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora