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Loud music could be heard banging from the black Mercedes as it whipped through the downtown streets of Detroit. Today had been one hell of a day for Karma and Demetrius, just the two of them had made about five thousand.

"Pass me the blunt baby. Damn why you being stingy?" Karma said laughing while reaching for the weed.

"Don't be rushing me 'lil girl. Imma let you hit it, calm down." Demetrius was a thug, but a pure sweet heart and he was really loving this girl. "So what you wanna do?" He asked as he gripped the steering wheel with one hand while grabbing Karma's thigh with the other.

"I really don't care long as we eat. I'm hungry as hell."

"Yo 'lil phat self. You don't need nothing to eat. What you need is a gym." They both laughed as Karma playfully smacked Demetrius on the back of the head.

"Ooh Babe, Coney Island. Pull over please? Lets get something from here."

"Girl all this money we made today and you want some damn Coney Island? I want to take you some where real nice."

"No Demetrius, I really have a taste for some chili cheese fries and wing dings. I want a Coney dog and we can split the corned beef sandwich." Demetrius gave her the look of girl you done lost your damn mind, but as usual he hit the first corner so he could go back around to the Coney. Once they pulled into the parking lot they got out and made their way in after carefully checking the surroundings. Demetrius went to the counter to place his order while Karma sat at one of the tables scrolling through her Facebook. "Baby......Baby" Karma was deep in thought and was not paying any attention, she finally replied to the second calling. "Oh my bad" she said as she stood up and made her way to the counter. "What you wanna drink?"

"I'll take the grape Faygo." The cashier rang up their total and about 20 minutes later, they were headed back to the car.

"I can't wait 'till we get home, I'm bout to smash." Karma was know where near fat, but the way she gawked at that carry out bag you would have thought so. Just as they were pulling out of the parking lot, a small beat up little hooptie flew by them damn near clipping their bumper.

"Stupid ass nigga! Slow the fuck down!" Karma shouted. The sound of screeching tires after is what kept Demetrius' attention as the car that damn near hit them swerved and started talking to some lady walking down the street.

"Look at this dumb ass nigga. All in a rush just to buy some damn pussy. I should ride up on his ass." Demetrius went to turn out of the parking lot but stepped on his break abruptly causing the car to jerk.

"What the fuck nigga? You look like you seen a damn ghost. That's funny as hell though, cause he do look like yo ass ." Karma joked. The look on Demetrius face was cold. They just sat there until a car behind them blew its horn and it snapped Demetrius back to reality. He pulled the truck out of the parking lot to the side of the street and watched from a distance. "Babe, what the fuck is wrong with you? Who is that?"

"Shh....hold up baby." They watched as the man got of the car and made his way up to the sidewalk. Whatever was going on, it didn't look good. The girl had her back turned to them so they couldn't see her face, but they could tell she was clearly reaching for something in her purse. The guy was quick on his approach and quickly grabbed her by her throat choking her and throwing her up against the wall. We couldn't quite figure out what was going on, but it was obvious she had fucked up.

"Wait a muthafucking minute! That's the bitch that killed Marvin and shot me!"

"Are you serious?"

"Hell yeah I'm serious! I'd never forget that bitch face! Give me my fucking gun! This bitch got me fucked up!"

Demetrius grabbed his gun as Karma went to reach for it out of the arm rest.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

"I'm about to body this bitch!"

"Just wait a minute baby. Lets get her ass by herself. You don't need to be shooting anyone else."

"I don't give a shit about anyone else." Just then the girl could be seen walking very fast inside a convenient store as the man got back into his old cutlass and peeled out. At this point Karma was on ten. Her blood was boiling "Soon as that bitch comes out, I'm on her ass. Shoot her in the fucking face just like she did Marvin."


When I noticed a black sedan approaching really slow, I thought fuck, this mutherfucker Damien again? I knew he wouldn't go away that easy so I stopped, crossed my arms and waited till the car got right up on me and yelled at the vehicle "What nigga??? What the fuck you want with me? Leave me alone!!! I'm moving on with my life!"

The passenger window rolled down and that's when I saw her face. Yes HER. It was the same bitch I had shot that was in the car with Marvin. From that point on, everything was in slow motion. I tried to run, but I froze. The first shot I literally heard fly right by my head which also kicked me in motion. I took off running, but not fast enough. The next shot hit me in the leg and the other one grazed my arm. I refused to give up though. I could not stop running. I knew if I fell, that would be my resting place. She would get out of that car and unload on me, so I just ran until I couldn't hear anymore shots. I had jumped into a garbage dumpster in the back of some store and waited there until I felt like I had a chance of making it to the bus station. I thought to myself I have to get the fuck out of here. There was no way I was going to die in a dumpster after all I had been through. No way in hell. Fuck this, she's just going to have to kill me. I got out, looked around and so far the coast was clear. I limped the rest of the way and finally I had made it. Shot and all. I felt like I could make it at least to the next state. Get out there and go to a hospital and just tell them I was shot by a random person or something. I retrieved my bus ticket and started making my way to the terminal for my departure. I had about six people standing in front of me loading their bags and that's when I heard my name called

"Love." I turned around to about 15 officer's standing there.

I was shocked, "Yes?"

"Hello Love. You are under arrest for the murder of Melvin Brown."

My face dropped. It had been so long I thought that they had thrown the case out, but obviously not. I couldn't do anything but turn around and surrender.

You know life is funny like that. I bet you thought this story would end with me chilling in Vegas with a husband, nice house and kids, huh? Yeah, me too, but unfortunately not in this life time. They booked me on murder and now I'm awaiting trial facing 15 to 25 years in prison.Dear Sweet Karma, that bitch came back full force and bit the shit out of me. The only thing is, they still don't know about the other murders. Some have speculated, but still no charge. Maybe I should write a book while I'm in here doing time, but then again who the fuck would want to hear about that?

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