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Both officer's laughed and joked about how they literally caught me with my pants down. I kicked at the back seat still a bit confused and half asleep.

"Yo man what the fuck y'all arrest me for? Ain't nobody told me nothing. Wait till my lawyer hear about this shit."

"Sit back and shut the fuck up, Mr. Pimp Daddy." one of the officer's said still laughing.

"Aye man. I ain't no pimp if that's what y'all trying to book me on."

"No Mr. Damien your problems are a lot bigger than some pimping and pandering charges. We are charging you with drug trafficking."

"Drugs? No, you got the wrong one. I don't fuck with drugs."

"Oh really? Well apparently you sent one of your peons to do a job for you, and in the process they assaulted someone. That someone felt the need to give us a call and report you."

"So your just going around picking people up off of he say she say?"

"The informant that we have is very credible. They describe you, your house and where we could find your stash spot and lo and behold, guess what we found? You, your house and the stash spot. Yeah, you know the one on Joy Road." Fuck I thought to myself. If they raided my spot, it's over. I could do some real time, so I just played it cool.

"You motherfuckers ain't got shit on me. I want to talk to my lawyer." I was booked and placed into a holding cell where I was told I could talk with my lawyer, within a couple of hours they gave me one phone call which I used to call the girls. I didn't have to say much because Felisha and I had already went over the situation many times before. I simply instructed Love to do whatever it was that Felisha asked of her. Felisha was to be in charge while I was gone. The plan was simple. In the basement, buried, I kept a small safe with ten thousand in cash for situations like this. She informed me that they did hit my spot on Joy Road and cleaned me out. The only good thing is that we were just at the point of re-upping, so we were low on product. We just didn't know how much they found. As I was hanging up, my lawyer walked in.

"Hello, Mr Damien." he extended his hand, but I didn't shake his, something about his demeanor and facial expression was telling me that this might not go so well.

"I see your face Bobby. Give it to me straight, man. Don't sugar coat shit." He took a deep sigh as he sat across from me at the table where they had me handcuffed to.

"To be honest, you are in deep shit Damien. Somebody in your camp is telling it all, I don't know who at this point or why, but from what I gathered from the DA, so far the minimum amount of time you could serve is about 15 years."

"What the fuck you mean 15 years?"

"Damien they are talking about drugs, prostitution and even a possible murder. Like I said these are just some of the things I've heard. At this point things can get worse, and I doubt that they will get better if I'm being honest." All I could do is put my head down. I felt as if my whole world just came crashing down.


After breaking the cement in the basement, I finally retrieved the safe. I opened it and the money was still there in tip top shape, when the phone rang.


"Hey, is this Felisha?"

"Yes, this is she."

"Hi, this is Bobby, Damien's lawyer. I just got done speaking with Damien and at this point its not looking too good. I'll know more details by tomorrow. I'll need you to be glued to the phone." We disconnected and both Love and I broke down in tears. All I knew was this man. He was my life. What would I do without him? Love rolled up a blunt as we sat there and played many different scenario's over and over again preparing for the worst. I heard a knock at the door so I asked Love to go see who it was. She peered threw the peephole. "Oh shit it's Marvin, the guy I hit with the gun the other day."

"Don't open the door, Love." He rang the door bell a few more times

"I know you motherfuckers are in there. Open the door!" Love and I just sat there in silence when my cell phone rang and it was an unknown number. Not knowing if it was Damien or not I answered. "Open the door bitch. Ain't nobody here for no bullshit. Damien asked me to come check on y'all."

"How we know you ain't lying to us?"

"I guess you'll just have to see, but I can tell you this. If you don't open, Damien is going to be very pissed at the both of y'all." I got up and cracked the door with the chain attached to the lock to peek out and (BOOM), he kicked the door in, which hit me in the face knocking me completely out.

I woke up to Love crying, I laid there as if I was still knocked out. He had me tied up with duct tape covering my mouth. He had Love tied to a chair and apparently was beating her prior to me waking up. All I know is she is one tough cookie. No matter what, she would not tell him where the money was. He finally gave up and left. Lucky for us, he spared our lives. This shit was getting out of hand though. We had to do something or else the next time he would more than likely kill us both.

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