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I jumped out of the shower, and wrapped my towel around me in an attempt to climb out of the window and at least try to make a run for it. I finally got it opened, so I climbed up on the toilet and pulled myself up on the ledge. Banging could be heard on the bathroom door "OPEN UP NOW!!!" All I could think about was how I didn't want to go to prison. Before I could even get my head out of the window, the door was being kicked in. "Get your stupid ass out of the window bitch." I heard someone say, then my leg were being pulled from underneath me. I turned and looked, and this wasn't the fucking police. These were some more jack boys. They really caught us off guard this time. They knew we just wouldn't start shooting at police, so that's why they came in saying (POLICE). One of the guys dragged me by my leg all the way back into the living room where they had Jay tied up face down. It was only two of them, I was thinking if I could only get to my damn gun, I swear I wouldn't hesitate shooting both of their asses. One searched the house while the other one finished tying my hands and feet.

"Look. Y'all can make this real easy, or very hard. The choice is yours. Tell us where the money and drugs are and we will leave. Nobody has to get hurt."

For a minute I wanted to do what I had always seen in the movies and play the hard ass that refused to give up my shit, but the way things were going I was seriously fed up with this lifestyle. The way I see it, it was either I or someone else was eventually come up dead on the account of this dope game.

"It's in the room. Closet, top shelf, Nike shoe box."

He repeated what I said to the other guy that was searching the house and then put the gun to my head.

"You better pray he find it bitch, cause if you are lying to me, I swear to god, I am going to blow your fucking brains out."

"I GOT IT!!!" I heard the man scream from the back.

"Let's Go, Marvin" he said dashing for the front door.

"Man. What the fuck? My name dude seriously?" That was the last thing I heard right before the butt of the gun smashed me in the face and everything went black. When I woke up I had blood all over my face and in my eyes I was still dazed and confused. I looked over and still seen Jay laying face down. He was not moving. I called his name a couple of times, and got no response. After a couple of minutes, I was able to free myself from the rope that was tied around my wrist and legs, and made it to Jay. I rolled him over. They must have only knocked him out as well because he was still breathing, and I didn't see any blood. After a few hard shakes he eventually came to.

"What happened?" he asked.

"We got robbed again." I said.

He jumped up, "Where them niggas at? Let's go find them."

"Chill, Jay. If you want to go find them, feel free. As for me, I'm done with this shit. I'm tired of always starting over. This shit just ain't for me anymore." I made my way to my room to get dressed and start packing. This was my final decision. I think I'll take Damien and Felisha up on their offer. I was tired of taking penitentiary chances and putting my life on the line for this stupid ass lifestyle. I needed a change and I knew just where to get it. I got into my all white Cadillac STX, and headed to Damien's. Once I arrived, I sat in their driveway thinking really hard because I knew once I got in, there was no turning back. I had to be 100% sure that this was what I wanted to do. I knocked on the door and Felisha answered.

"Oh my god, Love. What the fuck happened?" I still had dried up blood on my face and a huge knot on my forehead. "Damien! Hurry up and get down here. Something happened to Love."

Damien was still in his boxers and peered over the upstairs balcony. "Damn, Love. What the fuck happened?" he asked while making his way down the stairs.

I came in, and immediately broke down in tears. "I got fucking robbed again. I gave them everything and still he hit me with the gun. I thought I was going to die. I'm sorry to just pop in like this, but I seriously had no where else to go. They took all my drugs and money. I'm completely back to square one."

"Don't worry." Damien said as he sat next to me on the couch bringing me closer and holding me. "First of all, I'm going to find out who did this to you. Then, when you are ready and feeling okay, we can get you back on your feet. Getting to the money cause that's just what we do. Do you remember anything about these niggas?"

"No, not really. All I know is there were two of them. I mean everything happened so fast."

Felisha walked toward the kitchen "Love, can I get you some water or something?"

"Shit, the way my head feeling, I need more than some damn water. I said I got robbed not baptized. Pour me a shot, I need to get my mind right." Damien rolled a blunt right at the living room table.

"I can't believe these muthafucker's. Two things I hate, a thief and a liar." He lit the weed and passed it to me just as Felisha was coming out of the kitchen with my cocktail. "Don't even trip" Damien said again, looking very angry. "I promise, once I find out who did this, they ass is as good as dead, and that's on my momma."

The rest of the day was real chill. We just kicked it as if we had been doing this for years. I felt so comfortable. The thought of them being the OP's was long gone. From that day forward they were my family. They had my back and I definitely had theirs.

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