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"Love!!!!!!!!!!!!" Man screamed from the living room. "That muthafucker shot me. Fuuuck!"

I ran from the kitchen, into the living room where Man was leaning up against the door holding his side, with blood soaking his shirt. Laying face down in a pool of blood was Buck, and clearly dead. 

"What the fuck happen? This was not how this was supposed to go!"

"Bitch you think I wanted to kill him? That nigga shot me first, but fuck that. We need to get out of here before the cops come." Man was in no condition to be going anywhere. He was loosing blood, and fast. 

"What about June?" I asked. 

"Oh shit! You right, baby. I know this going to sound fucked up, but I need you to off that nigga. If he live, he either snitching or killing us both. He seen our faces." 

"I can't do it! I've never killed anyone before."

"Look, bitch, if you don't, then we both going down. Hurry up! We don't have much time, and I'm fucking dying here." Man handed me his gun. I reluctantly took it and walked into the bed room were June was now wide awake and trying to wiggle his hands and feet free. 

"Bitch y'all chose the wrong nigga to rob, I swear to god. When I get loose, its over for you and yo bitch ass boyfriend. I'm gonna make him watch while I fuck you again. Then I'm gonna make you watch while I blow his fucking brains out." The rage I felt, it brought me back to the night Larry first raped me. I know Man said to make it quick, but something came over me. This dude was about to catch the wrath from all the pain I felt. I started beating the shit out of him with the butt of the gun. It was like the more I hit him, the better I felt. I was releasing all of my frustration on him. I wanted to pass the pain I felt on to him. I could literally hear the bones cracking in his face. Teeth were being swallowed. I beat him until I got tired, and to make sure he was dead, I cocked the gun, closed my eyes and let off about five shots. Just as I was leaving the room, I noticed a shoe box laying behind the door under some clothes. Bada Bing Bada Boom. I'll be damn. A box of money and some weed. Looked to be at least ten grand in it. I ran to the bathroom, grabbed about six towels to help stop the bleeding  and came back to my boyfriend. 

"Man! Wake up! Wake the fuck up! Baby don't die on me like this! Man get up! Come on! We gotta go daddy. The police are on the way. Don't do me like this. Nooooooooo!!!!!!!" I couldn't believe it. For a second, I sat there and cried like a 2 year old baby. I even contemplated just taking my own life. I felt hopeless and frankly didn't give a fuck about living. I mean what is the point? The police will be here any minute and then I'll have to spend a life time in jail anyway. I cocked the gun and placed the barrel in my mouth. I said a silent prayer and just then, Man grabbed my arm. 

"Oh My God baby, shhhhh", Man said as he placed his finger over my lips. "Don't worry about me. Get the fuck out of here. I'll be just fine. Tell my mom and sister that I love them and know that I'll always love you too. Now go! Run, and don't look back." His eyes closed again and he slumped over. I wiped the tears from my eyes, grabbed the shoe box and gun. Laying under Buck was a small gym like duffel bag. Perfect, just what I need. I pulled it from under him. I didn't want to be caught running with a shoe box and gun, so I unzipped it and oh my god, inside was more money and drugs. He must've just come from doing a drop. I put everything in the bag, and opened the front door. Still no police in sight, but you could hear sirens in the distance. Instead of running, I just walked really fast to the car. I threw the bag in the trunk, jumped into the driver seat, and fuck, no keys. There was no way in hell I was going back into that house. Out of no where, about 15 squad cars pulled up to the house. I sat in the car and watched the whole thing for about 10 minutes, but I had to figure something out. Instead of trying to run or just sit there looking suspicious, I got out of the car, popped the trunk, grabbed the bag, and started walking to the bus stop. I walked right passed the officers as if I was just a regular pedestrian passing by. 

"Hey young lady" said one of the officers walking behind me. "Excuse me. I hate to bother you, but have you seen or heard anything unusual today around here?" 

"No sir. I was just on my way to the gym. What's going on? Did somebody die or something? There are a lot of police cars out here."

"Yeah, I can't really disclose that information, but here. Take my card in case you hear anything or remember something."

"Thanks. Will do, officer." I said feeling nervous as hell. Just dodged a bullet, I thought to myself. I made it to the bus stop which was about 5 blocks away. As luck would have it, a sign posted on the light pole read 'buses do not stop here'. Got damn it I thought to myself. Then it dawned on me to ask Ta -Ta to come get me. I pulled my cell phone out and within a couple of rings she answered. 

"Hey girl, you have to come and get me!" I insisted.

"Oh My god, Love. What the fuck y'all do? They got Buck and June's house all over the news saying possible homicides. Please tell me you had nothing to do with this?" 

"Look bitch. I cant talk right now. Just meet me at the Coneys Island on Michigan Avenue. I'll be waiting in the back. And, Ta-Ta? Hurry the fuck up, please?" About 20 minutes later I saw Ta -Ta's car creeping through the alley. I ran to the car, jumped in and was breathing like I just ran a marathon. "Go, bitch go! We need to get the fuck away from here now!" For the whole ride I was silent. I didn't know if it was from being hurt that Man literally just died in my arms or in shock from committing my first murder or both. When we made it to Ta-Ta's house, she pulled in the garage and we both just sat there. I knew she was anxious to find out what was going on. Instead of talking, I just opened the duffel bag. Her eyes opened wide. 

"What the fuck, bitch? You did  have something to do with it didn't you? How much money is that? Wait a minute. Where is Man?" I burst into tears at the mention of his name. I couldn't hold it back anymore, I could barely get the words out, but eventually I told her everything. I let her know I had to get the fuck out of town. There was no way I could stay in this city. Everything about it would be a constant reminder of Man, and me taking someones life. We finally made it in the house. We just sat in her room watching the news, it was on every channel. I pretty much cried the whole night. Ta - Ta rolled up a blunt and poured us a couple of shots while we plotted my soon to be escape. Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse my phone rang...........

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