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The morning sun peaked through my shades causing me to wake up. Oh my god, my head was pounding. I felt like this hangover was going to kill me. I got out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom and turned the shower on. Looking in the mirror, I looked just how I felt - like a piece of shit. Taking my clothes off, I eased into the hot water and eventually fully emerged my whole body. I let the water run on my head for about 5 minutes. After washing myself, I got out, got dressed and ate some chips that I had. Then I took some Tylenol trying to combat this hangover. I thought maybe I should go and say goodbye to Felisha. Then again, maybe it's best they have no idea I'm leaving, in case the feds come looking. I grabbed all of my things and headed for the parking lot. To my surprise, the car was gone. What the fuck I thought to myself. Did I leave last night and don't remember? I searched the parking lot and for sure enough, it was gone. At this point I was lost on what to do and or where to go, but most importantly was it the police who towed the vehicle? Did someone find Ta's body? Are they watching me now? I paniced and ran to Felisha and Damien's room. Banging on a door no one answered right away. About the 3rd round, the door swung open and it was Damien 

"What the fuck is your problem knocking on my damn door like you fucking crazy?" 

"I'm sorry. I could really use your help right now. Please let me come in." He stood there for a minute as I pleaded with him again, begging to do anything for help. He walked away leaving the door open, so I took that as an invite. Felisha was still in bed knocked out. 

"You know in the world Love, a man's word is his bond right?" he asked. I knew where this was going.

"Yes Damien. I mean what I say, and say what I mean."

"Alright,  just checking, I don't want to get things confused. So what's the problem, and how can I help?" Damien asked, making his way over to the table where it looked like an pile of cocaine was. 

"Let's just say I had the police after me. Would you be able to help me still?"

"NO. Hell NO. Hell muthafucking NO. I don't do police Love. Sorry, and I definitely don't need you around here bringing heat to my situation."

He took a line of coke to the nose, wiped himself, got up and started walking to the door. 

"You have to  get the hell out here. I don't like nor do I want those problems."

"Please, Damien, please, don't do me like this." Tears started to form in my eyes. I was desperate at this point so I dropped to my knees in front of the door so he couldn't open it and pretty much just begged him. Being the heartless pimp he was, it didn't help at all. 

"Bitch, if you don't get yo stupid ass up off my floor I'll call the police myself on yo ass. Now move the fuck outta the way!"

Felisha woke and sat up in bed, "What the fuck is y'all doing? And bitch, what the fuck you doing on your knees in front of my man?" Without even getting a chance to speak, she leaped from the bed, swung on me, and all hell broke loose. We were into an all out brawl at that point, I was surprised. I never had competition when it came to fighting women, but this bitch had hands just like me. Damien let us scrap it out for about five minutes before he broke us up. 

"Both of ya'll calm the fuck down." he said tossing me to the wall and Felisha back on the bed. She was still talking under her breath. I couldn't quite make out what she was saying, but I doubt she was displaying affection. 

"What the fuck were you doing with that bitch Damien?"

"Look bitch, I don't have to lie or hide shit from you. I am a grown ass man. If I wanted to fuck her believe me you, I'd let you know. Anyway, like I said Love yo ass have to go. At this point my blood was boiling and I had a busted lip to go along with this massive headache and hangover. I couldn't go back out to these streets, so I simply apologized to Felisha and told her exactly what happen and why I was there on my knees. She just stared up at the ceiling as if she could not hear me. 

"You need to give me some time, Love, because right now I don't know i

f I can trust what the fuck you are saying to me." 

"I don't have time Felisha, please. I am begging you."

"Bitch, bye." she stood up and opened the door waving me outside. 

I was hurt. I couldn't believe it. Even though we just met, I thought they where cool people, especially Felisha. I got up, grabbed my things and left. The door slammed, and then you could hear Felisha screaming at the top of her lungs. I'm thinking maybe still suggesting that her man and I were fucking around. I felt lost, scared and very confused. My first thought was to go back to my mothers, but no matter what I could never sleep in the same house as that fucker Larry again, without having to commit another murder. I put my backpack on my shoulders and headed absolutely nowhere, with tears in my eyes and a bag full of money and dope. I felt like this was it. Either go hard, or go home, and I damn sure wasn't going home. At that moment a light went off. If I got to go do time, I might as well enjoy life until they catch me. Fuck it! Time to really live life like there is no tomorrow!

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