Chapter-11. You have caged my heart.

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**Chapter-11.  You have caged my heart. **

Monday afternoon.

“Guuuys, Good news! Listen up. Our seniors are throwing a fresher’s party for us. It’s this Saturday.” Rachael informs us excitedly.

The guys whoop and holler and the girls squeal.

Me? I am just sitting there seeing the commotion and imagining how this fresher’s party is gonna turn out.

For those who don’t know what a fresher’s party is, please give me the privilege to enlighten you.

We are first year students in this college. The second year students i.e., our seniors are gonna throw a party at a pub for us. It’s a party to welcome us. The twist, which always exists, is the games and activities. The seniors come up with ridiculous stuff, mainly to prank us.

We were just starting our lunch when Ray came and gave us the news. The guys were arguing about some game and the girls were ofcourse discussing about the dress, hair and makeup for the party. But I am not involved in any of the discussions because I have food infront of me.

The girls have decided to go shopping and I am gonna tag along no matter what. Actually, I am not that into shopping. I once told them that, but they had rounded me up and gave me an ultimatum: ‘when we say we are going shopping, like it or not you are coming too’. Three girls might sound scary, but if they are denied of going shopping, they turn into witches. And that’s why I am gonna ‘tag along’ tomorrow.

I think Mondays can never be interesting, because it’s after Sunday. Basically if you are in class on a Monday you will be daydreaming about how much fun you had on Sunday.

I didn’t want to think about my Sunday, so I was texting Nolan, my brother/friend/high school classmate, about the fresher’s, when I hear someone pull up a chair beside me and say “Hey guys. What’s up?”

That voice.

I can never forget that voice.

Kevin Young.” I say through clenched teeth and turn to glare at him.

His dirty blond hair was ruffled, wait you know what, I don’t even wanna check him out.

“Hey, Sharlene.” He says smirking.

Dammit! Right now, if I were given a chance to remake his features, I would not give him a mouth, just so he couldn’t smirk at me like he is now.

I just wave my hand once and continue texting Nolan.

Nolan: Oooooo....Sha is gonna go shopping?

Sha: Ugh! Don’t remind me about it bro.

Nolan: LOL!! I bet they r gonna make u wear a bright pink dress with lots of accessories and you’re gonna go for facials etc etc.

Me: U seem to have more info about these stuff than me? R u sure u r a boy?

Nolan: Yes!! I have the MAN parts to prove that I am a boy. Having info about such stuff doesn't mean I am a girl.

Me: Oooooo... u had to write it in capitals to make it more believable. So u actually had a doubt about your gender that’s y u have proof ready!

Nolan: Ahhhh!! No I never had any doubts. How cum you changed the subject from your fresher's shopping to my gender?

Me: Becoz ur gender is more interesting than a party shopping. Oh and bro use proper spelling for come. I don’t wanna spoil the innocence of my eyes.

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