Chapter-3. Me and a party, the perfect combination.

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**Chapter-3. Me and a party, the perfect combination.**

This is reality right?

I’m not dreaming right?

If this were not real, it wouldn’t be a dream, it would be a nightmare, a very horrible nightmare with my own personal demons and gothic scenes plus zombies and carcass included. Yep this is over exaggereation. I just can’t help it. The situation is like that.

“I’m fine” I say and take a step back from Kevin and storm away so fast that I might have looked like a vampire on full speed. Hehe, just kidding. Okay the point is I just practically ran away from Satan’s second son.

I head straight to the cafeteria and spot my friends. They are hard to miss you know. A group of crazy, loud, wild pigs.

I take a seat and start munching down some French fries.

“Hey Piggy, don’t starve yourself. Eat how much ever you want!” Austin teases me.

“Yeah sure pig head. I won’t starve myself but that doesn’t mean I won’t starve you to death if u call me piggy again.” I threaten him.

“Oh really and how are you gonna do that exactly?” He countered.

“Oh! I have my ways Aussy baby. I can tie you up in a dark and lonely room and tell your parents that you are busy with some project with Ricky and won’t be home for a few days. I will tempt you with all sorts of delicious food and would not give you even one small bite and literally starve you to death.” I evilly say my plan.

“When you are at it Sha, torture him as well by peeling his skin like a potato and pull out his teeth and nails out dear. He really requires it.” Heather gives me these ideas.

Truth be told, I was in shock as well as the rest of my friends. Austin’s mouth was hanging open. Why shock you ask ha? Well cause Heath is a very sweet and calm girl. For her to say something so devious is shocking.

We all just stare at her.

Realizing what she just told she blushes and looks down at her hands and mumbles, “I was just giving some ideas.”

“Girl, those were some really gruesome ideas. Are you into watching horror movies now a days?” Ricky asks still shocked.

“Heath? You alright darling? I think you have a fever or something.” Scott says checking heather’s temperature.

“Those ideas aren’t bad ha Sha? You can actually consider using them.” Asher says jokingly.

“I was thinking here that we were talking about bondage and kinky stuff.” Jo pouts.

At Jo’s words everyone except Austin laugh out loud. Austin is still in shock but has closed his mouth and was looking at heather with this strange look.

Hmm...looks like something is up between them. But right now I have other strange issues to deal with.

What is Kevin doing in this college? Why is Vivian in this college? It seems that both of them remember me. My friends here don’t know about them and I don’t want to go digging into my past to tell them everything now. But eventually I have to tell them one day. I sigh inwardly and turn to look at them.

Heath is talking to Ricky and Melissa while Austin is trying to talk to Heath, but is being interrupted by Jo and Ash. Everyone is laughing and joking. I have a great life here right now with all of them. Why do the devil’s sons have to make an appearance now? I guess hell too didn’t want them there. They probably got kicked them out. Hehe..that is a possibility you know.

The bell rings indicating that ‘fun time is over people, go to your mini size hell again’.

We have more three classes now. We all go to our classes like some responsible kids and go through the introductions. Again. This time I totally ignore Devil’s spawn number 1 and just stare out and doodle.

Finally the classes end.

We all head to the parking lot. Rachael and Scott are waiting near Asher’s car. Ray comes and hugs me as if we are meeting after many days. I just roll my eyes and get along with it.She is just soo dramatic.

“Sooooo.....What are your plans for the evening guys?”

Remember, whenever Ray says something like that, it means that she already has planned something and you just have to cancel your plans for her. Yep my friends can be pretty demanding.

She’s pleased when she gets a chorus of ‘nothing much’ from us.

“As you all are free, then we can go to this fresher’s party at Nicole’s house tonight. I will text you guys the address. But we need a designated driver!” She says.

I volunteer. Yeah I know what you are thinking. I don’t drink. Nope not at all. Even in parties. It’s always like that. I have had just a few beers that’s all nothing strong. And my friends know that. They don’t push me.

“Ok then, Sha will pick us up at 7.30?”Ray suggests.

We all agree and head home.

I was about to start the ignition when I see mini monster number 1 walk towards his car. I just ignore him and rev my car and leave. I don’t want to see his face let alone talk to him. Whenever I think of them my blood boils and hatred and anger courses through my vein and vicious thoughts clog my brain.

I was greeted by my pup at my home and an empty house. I give Shiro his meal and go to the refrigerator and see a sticky note saying:

‘Have gone to an important conference, Will be late, Don’t stay up.’

I sigh and suddenly my phone rings. It’s Mom calling.

“Hi,Mom.I just now reached home.”I say to my mom.

“Hi baby. Ok, fresh up there is dinner in the fridge”,My mom tells me.

“Mom? Is it ok if I go to a party with my friends?”I slowly ask.

“Ok. Go. But honey be careful. Don’t drink and be home before midnight.”, Mom says strictly.

“OK. Thanks Mom. Love you.”I say happily.

“Love you too darling. See you soon”, My says sweetly.

I hang up and happily dance to my room with a granola bar in my hand and Shiro follows me.

I switch on my audio system and play my playlist.

I raid my closet for the best party outfit.

Finally after half an hour of searching and confusion and eating, I decide on a golden sequin tank top with denim shorts and platform ankle boots. It looks sexy but not slutty. And that’s what I want.

I quickly go for a shower and get dressed. I keep my make up to a minimum. Just smoky eyes and baby pink lip gloss. I leave my hair down and just do a side french braid and pin it behind and just slightly curl my side bangs. That’s it I am ready to go to the party.

I hope I don’t meet any of the He-devils tonight.

But lately my hopes are just being crushed rather brutally.




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