Chapter- 9. Fun at carnival.

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**Chapter- 9. Fun at carnival. **

“Sharlene, choose quickly, him or me?” Vivian asked me waving his finger between him and Kevin.

Why the hell did I say ‘my day can’t get any more worse.’

-.-     1 hour, 17 minutes earlier    -.-

“Let’s try thaaaat ride.” Ray screamed happily and ran towards the Columbus ride.

We had reached the carnival about 40 minutes ago and Rachael is dragging us to all the rides here. Apparently, she wants to go on every single freaking ride and play all the games.

Ofcourse that’s what carnivals are for right?

Well, I am not gonna complain cause I am having fun.

Why wouldn’t I? I am with my best friends and two sons of Satan.

The fun part is to see John squeal like a girl while on the rides. And the not so fun part is -I don’t know if it’s just a coincidence or my fate or better yet God’s grace- in every single freaking ride I am sitting beside Vivian Kohl.

Well, you might think that it must be fun to sit with a hot hunk.

Actually, don’t just think. It actually is fun to be on rides with a hot hunk beside you.

We take tickets and get on the ride. This one is for about 10 minutes or so of extreme pendulum motion.

“Ahhhhh!! I am gonna fall. I am gonna fall! Ahhhhh!!!” Jo screams.

I can’t help but giggle. He tried not to get on but Ray, well she can be very scary and intimidating sometimes, you know. Poor Jo!

Suddenly I realize that the handle of my seat is coming off, like it’s loose and is shaking as the height of our motion increases. Vivian looks at me with a look of horror and I am pretty sure I too have that same look on my face.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!” I shout horrified squeezing my eyes shut. I am not scared of the ride, but I am scared about what will happen if we fall off of our seats.

No doubt, I will break some bones, but I won’t die.

I suddenly feel something warm on my hand. I open an eye and see that Vivian is squeezing my hand which makes me, instantly, feel safe.

He looks at me and gives a small nod, telling me that it will be fine and just to hold down the handle.

It’s odd how I can understand his words without him even saying anything after all this time.

I return the nod and hold down the handle bar. After about 3 and half minutes the ride stops and everyone starts getting down.

The thing I didn’t realize is that Vivian was still holding my hand.

After we got down the ride he slowly whispered “That was a little scary. Thank God it didn’t come off.” and looks at me. But, I was still staring at our hands. He notices this and suddenly lets go of my hand, awkwardly scratching his neck and apologizing.

I just straighten myself and walk forwards because if I stay beside him now I am gonna take his hand and never let it go.

Like Never, ever.

I sigh and Heather catches up with me but is dragged away by Melissa to an accessories stall, but she manages to give me a look that clearly says ‘you better tell me what happened there’ nodding at the ride.

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