Chapter - 18. Nolan and his surprises.

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**Chapter – 18. Nolan and his surprises. **

"What are you doing here?" I ask surprised and also happy to see him.

"I am here to see my most favorite person in the world." Nolan says removing his ray bans and gives me the most dazzling smile ever.

"Yeah! Sure." I roll my eyes at him and start walking towards Melissa's car showing Nolan that I am still mad at him even though am not.

"What no hug for me Sha doll? I came to see you girl. That's mean." He shouts after me and that is when I notice the remaining students subtly staring at us.

Is it just me or has Nolan become incredibly good looking?

He is wearing black jeans and a white t-shirt with a black leather jacket and boots.

Well, he has a good dressing sense, I will give him that.

"Yeah yeah idiot welcome home" I say and give him a hug.

"It's good to see you Sharlene. So am I forgiven?" He asks me with puppy dog eyes.


"Haha, very funny! Let's go, I will drive you home." He offers.

I was about to text Heath when I see Mel and Heath approaching us so I decide to introduce Nolan to them.

"Hey girls, this is Nolan. My classmate / best friend/ brother. Nolan, this is Heather and Melissa."I say pointing at them.

"Hey girls, nice to meet you. I have heard a lot about you girls from Sharlene." Nolan smiles at them.

"Nice to meet you too Nolan." Mel says but Heath is quiet, she just smiles.

"Guys, Nolan is dropping me home. We need to get going now. Bye, see you tomorrow." I say to them.

"Bye Sha. Bye Nolan." They say and Nolan and I leave in Nolan's Volkswagen.

"Where do you wanna go?" Nolan asks getting onto the main road.

"Anywhere is fine." I say smiling at him.

" had a long college day, how about I treat you for some Belgium dark chocolate?" He said.

"Sounds awesome, but you hate dark chocolate." I say.

"S'okay. I will go with butterscotch. So over to creamstones then."

"Yaaaay!!" I say throwing my hands up in excitement.

That's when Stereo hearts by gym class heroes comes on the radio and I turn the volume up. We both love this song and we sing the whole way to creamstones which takes only 15 minutes because Nolan drives like crazy.

He ordered Belgium dark chocolate for me and crunchy munchy with butterscotch ice cream for himself.

"So, how are you Sha?" Nolan suddenly asks me out of the blue.

"I am good. How about you? Why did you come so suddenly?  Did your chief and captain give permission?" I ask.

"I told them it was family emergency." He replies with a shrug.

"Oh. So when are you going back?" I ask looking down at my hands on the table.

"I am leaving on Sunday. So, I wanted to apologize to you." He says and I look at him confused.

"You came all the way from Malaysia just to apologize?" I ask surprised.

The waitress came and gave our orders and asked if we needed anything else. We said no simultaneously.

"Actually, partly to apologize and also mom was missing me and I missed home, so I came home." He said smiling taking a spoon full of butterscotch.

"Why are you apologizing though?" I asked looking at the mouth watering ice cream infront of me.

"Did you forget you were mad at me? You were telling me about Vivian and all I did was tell you what to do and what not to do and pissed you off. You haven't texted me since." He explained waving his spoon in the air.

"Well, yeah, I was mad, but I just can't stay mad for long. So yeah all is cool. Apology accepted." I smile at him, actually I smile at him but my eyes were on the ice cream.

"Good. So was Vivian that guy you were talking to before you noticed me?" He asked looking at his ice cream.

"Yeah. We have been assigned as partners in an assignment." I say sighing.

"Well, if you don't like it then you can change partners right?" He says and I give the as-if-I-already-didn't-know-that look.

"First, this pairing was done randomly and can't be changed and second thing is Vivian would feel bad if I changed partners."

"Wow, your choice of college was awesome. And why are you worried about that jerk?"

"Because he was my friend." It feels bad using the past tense but it's okay I have chocolate to comfort me.

"Don't be so generous. You always do the mistake of seeing the good in people. Just be careful and tell me if you need my help."

"Yeah sure Nolan."

"So, do you have college tomorrow?"He asks finishing his ice cream.

"Yeah I guess. Wait! What day is it today?" I pull out my phone to check and see that it's "Wednesday."

"Shit! I need to go shopping tomorrow." I realize.

"I thought you already went."

"I didn't buy anything that day. I just went as the critic for Heath and Mel and thought of buying a dress for me later."

"Okay then, shopping tomorrow." He says with a thumbs up.

"You gonna come with me?" I ask surprised. Nolan is surprising me a lot.

"Of course. You don't have to go to college?"

"Nah! Nothing important is going on anyway." I say partially pushing the project behind my head.

"Okay then, ILet's head home." He says looking at his phone.

"Yeah sure. Let's go." I say.




How are you today? I hope you had a good day. And if you just started your day then I hope your day goes well. And if you had a bad day then don't worry tomorrow will be a good day.

Yeah, I know am being optimistic. Being optimistic doesn't hurt right?

So, Nolan came to see Sharlene. That was sweet of him. Other than that, this chapter was just dull I guess. I know.

But does anyone remember what this weekend is? Then you will know why Nolan is here.

*wink wink*

Stay tuned, it's about to get interesting.



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