Chapter - 7. Devil's Spawns destroy my appetite.That's the worst sin ever!

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** Chapter – 7. Devil’s Spawns destroy my appetite. That’s the worst sin ever! **




I never ever in my wildest nightmares imagined that I would again be in a five foot radius of Vivian Kohl.

Let alone in the passenger seat of his car.

 Driving to a diner.

I was thinking about how I- no wait, it wasn’t me! Asher is solely responsible for me being in this amazing situation and he will only have to provide me an attorney if there’s a murder in this car!

 --.--    Flashback    --.--

“And you are going in his car.” Asher had said. At his words my jaw just dropped open. At that moment I didn’t even think about not being rude or anything.

“WHY?” I said my voice rude, a few octaves higher.

“Because Austin, Ricky, Heath and I are going in Austin’s car and Scotty, Mel, Ray and Jo are going in Scotty’s car.” Asher said coolly.

I could always use my car right?

Before I could even open my mouth Asher beat me to it saying “Also, last night you mentioned in a text that you need to go to the petrol bunk!”



Had this have to happen NOW of all times.

Then I had an Idea. “Hey, I know, I can always take my bike right?”

“Sha, I swear if u don’t get your pretty little butt into that damn car in two minutes, I am gonna eat you alive. I have an army of elephants parading in my stomach!” Mel says threateningly and turns throwing her hands up in the air and getting into Scotty’s car.

I didn’t want to argue and be whiny. So, I gave up! And just so you know I wasn’t scared of Mel.

 “Fine!” I mumble and start walking to Vivian’s BMW. I just shrug at the car. What can I say? His family is loaded.

T.T  End of Flashback  T.T

Don’t be shocked. I am after all studying mechanical engineering, cause I have an obsession with engines. Hence I have a CBR 250R. It’s my baby. Oh! The rush of air and the thrill. Don’t worry, I drive safe.

And, that’s how I ended up in a car of an ugly alien!

After a while Vivian breaks the silence saying “I am sorry Sha.”


“It’s Sharlene. My name is Sharlene. You don’t have any right to call me by my favourite nickname!” I say angrily.

He just mumbles a sorry again and then there is silence.

We reach the diner first. As soon as he parks, I head inside, praying that the rest of the minions come soon. Yeah, as if that would work! Cause these days my dear God seems intent on punishing me for I don’t even know what!

We had decided to go to the diner to eat some lunch and kill some time till the evening and then go to the carnival.

Credits for planning: Hungry stomachs of everyone.

I search for a table big enough for ten people and take a seat.

I keep tapping my foot, looking at the door and my phone. After waiting for five minutes, I text Asher. His reply is in seconds. I look at the three words on the screen and let out a sigh.

                        Asher : Two minutes babe.

I put my phone away smiling and lift my head up to look at the door.


Worst timing. My timings are never ever good!

I look up to see Vivian Kohl strolling in as if this is a music video and he is playing the love interest of a girl, who he is meeting here.

He always has a smile on his face. But I can tell when it’s real and when it’s fake. Right now the smile is just for show. A fake one.

And yes, I say worst timings because a heart and hormones of a teenager girl can take so much right?

He spots me and gives a full blown smile. Yep! A genuine smile and walks towards me and takes the spot right in front of me, never looking away from me.

One should always learn to have a poker face. Because at times like this, it comes really handy.

Anyways, I knew the others were really hungry so I decided to order for them. All the while I was ordering Vivian was looking at me with an amused smile.

Ever imagined how it would look like if a group of hungry wild pigs were unleashed to have their food? I don’t even need to imagine. I am seeing it right infront of me. Though, those pigs are my friends. Best Friends.

I wave my hand and Asher spots me and directs everyone to the table.

As soon as everyone takes their seat, the food arrives and everyone hollers a ‘thank you’ to me to be so thoughtful. Well I was being partially thoughtful. I was trying to avoid talking to the ugly alien at all.

Everyone digs in cracking jokes and just enjoying the meal.

I had just taken a few bites of my chicken extra cheese sandwich when my eyes land on the guy walking through the door. He looks at me, smiles and walks towards me. I drop my sandwich on the plate and just stare at him with my mouth hanging open. My day just got even more worse. I swear I will never use the words ‘my day can’t get any worse.’ Because it literally happens.

“Hey man!” Scotty greets him and turns to us “Guys, This is Kevin Young. He’s in my class. And Kevin, This is Rachael, Austin, Asher, Sharlene, Vivian, Ricky, Heather, John and Melissa.”

Everyone says ‘Hi’ except me. I have composed myself and again a poker face.

“Hey, guys. It’s nice to meet you all.” Kevin says and smiles at me specifically.

I just nod and then try to resume eating, but again drop my burger cause of Scotty’s next words.

“Kevin? Are you free now? You can hang out with us.”

“Yeah! Sure Scott.” Kevin replies.

And at that my appetite was totally gone.

I am gonna spend a whole day, I mean half a day with the two sons of Satan.

It’s like my own personal hell.

Great! Just Great!


Hello wonderful people,

So what do you think will happen now? It’s just a few hours with two incredibly good looking guys. No biggie right?

I have received 17 votes till now and I am so thankful to each and every one of them for voting. I will forever be thankful to you.

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