Chapter-5. Son of Satan is offering me a cake?

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**Chapter-5. Son of Satan is offering me a cake?**

One week later

‘I need your love.

I need your time.

When everything’s wrong,

You make it right’

Calvin Harris, are awesumistic.

Friday evening.

Music blasting.

Shiro on my bed.


This is the easiest way of telling what I am doing. I am hooked to this song again after the party.

Asher and Austin posted a few pics on facebook where I am also tagged along with others. ‘Likes’ were being hit and there were numerous comments. I am seeing all this, when I see that I got a new ‘add request’. I open it to see who it is.

Well, guess what? The devil’s spawn wants to be friends with me.

If you still have not understood then let me tell you who it is. It’s ‘Vivian Kohl’. I obviously don’t accept the request but was curious enough to check out his profile. His display pic is that of him.



 He is in a grey and red striped zip-up shirt. He has square black rimmed shades on and is looking sideways. Ok! To tell that this pic looks hot is an understatement.

He looks hot yet cute in an amazing way.


I just scroll through his page and see a shocking thing and my jaw drops “Shut the front door” I whisper.

I jump from my chair and land on my pup to grab my phone. Shiro squeaks and dashes out my room.

I don’t even need to search his number. It’s on my speed dial because he is my best friend. Duh.


‘Baby you know that I miss you

I wanna get with you tonight but I cannot babygirl

And that's the issue

Girl you know I miss you

I just wanna kiss you

But I can't right now so baby,kiss me thru the phone.’

I roll my eyes at his caller tune. Seriously this guy!!


He doesn’t pick up the first time.

I call again and listen to that damn song again.

“Is anything on fire?” He speaks

“Why the hell didn’t you tell me before? What’s wrong  with you? I really should have believed you when you told me that you sold your brain for money. God dammit! Asher Henry Keller. I wanna cut you into pieces and feed them to a dog, better yet I will eat it myself and be a cannibal. You..You dirtbag.”I fume and also ‘Castle’s’ words helps me a little.

I don’t hear him saying anything.

“What the hell Asher? Are you brain dead or something. No don’t answer that, I know you are. But pretending like you are deaf or dumb ain’t helping dude.” I fume even more.

Still no reply.

“Aaaaaasher!!!!” I roar.

“Oh! Hey babe. Sup?”He says so sweetly completely ignoring my rant a few seconds ago.

“Asher!” I say his name with a threatening tone.

“Sha, darling, as much as I love you, sometimes I really wanna smack you, idiot! You called me up and without telling me anything just started shouting at me. Now if you are calm, will you tell me what the hell happened?”He says calmly.

“Sorry Ash! I was just in shock.” I apologize.

“It’s k baby doll. Just tell me what happened. Why are you in shock?”

“Ash, Do you know Vivian Kohl from somewhere other than college?” I ask carefully.

“Yeah. Sure I do. We went to the same prep school. He was kindda my friend’s friend. So, we weren’t close. Why do you ask?”He says coolly.

Ok! I freeze instantly. He doesn’t know that I know Vivian Kohl from a different realm too. I start to panic because I just don’t like to lie to my best friend.

See this is why I hate that Son of Satan. Everything bad in this universe happens because of him. Just his existence itself is very, very bad for the universe. Like for instance he causes global warming by being hot!

“Umm..Just asking Ash. He was already in your friend’s list in facebook. That’s all.” I say hoping he buys it.

“Oh! Really Sha? You just called me up and screamed my ear off and were in shock cause you just saw someone in my friend’s list?” He asks.

Ugh!! What to do now? He didn’t buy it. That’s when Shiro starts barking and I hear a knock on my front door.

Thank heavens. God sent an angel to help me. Right now I would probably give the person at my door a thousand bucks if I had that much money that is, which I don’t. Ah! I am just grateful cause I am just saved by the bell!!

“Hey Asher, Someone is at the door! I will text u later! Bye.” I don’t even wait for his reply and hang up.

I hear the bell again and yell ‘coming’ to whoever it is.

I hurry down the stairs and open the door and just freeze again. This is the second time in a matter of few hours. God? Give me a break would ya? Oh no you won’t. I guess I have to deal with it cause I don’t have a choice, do I ?.

Because right now, the person standing at my door step is not sent by God.

Infact, He came straight from hell with a cake.

Yes! Girls and boys, Its Satan’s son number one.

 Vivian Kohl

At my front door.

Why does this situation kindda reminds me of Taylor Swift’s song ‘You belong with me’?




Howz it goin? I don't have much to say. Just please vote follow and comment.

I really wanna thank 'Athina Paris' a lot for her inspiring words and all her help.

See ya soon <3

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