Chapter-6. Pink Panda

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**Chapter-6. Pink Panda**

“Hey Sha!” he greets me with a smile.

His smile.


Actually I can hear Taylor Swift’s ‘You belong with me’ coming from my room, That is the idiotic reason why I thought of the song right now.

Damn Tay –Tay! You really write meaningful songs sometimes.

Anyways condition at hand.

One tall, brown haired, brown eyed hottie- Uh, I mean alien.

At my door step.

With a killer smile on his face.

And a cake in his hand?

Mission: Get rid of the hottie-uh? I mean ALIEN.

Really? A chocolate cake?

I just look at him and the cake with a frown on my face. He gets my confusion i guess and says, “This is from my mom. It’s her way of saying ‘Hi’ to our neighbour.”

I don’t let any of my hatred towards him, show on my face. I plaster a fake smile on my face and reply, “Thank you for the cake” as politely as I can and take the cake.

Yeah! I know. It’s not from him though, his mother gave it and come on, how can I resist a chocolate cake? And never, ever reject a chocolate cake, cause the chocolate Gods get angry and bad things happen.

I don’t even bother inviting him in. I just smile sweetly and say “Not so thankful on meeting you though!” and close the door on his face.

Booyeah! Take that!

Mission accomplished.

I hurry to the kitchen, cut a piece of cake and go to my room and plop down on my chair.

Wait- what?

Then something clicks in my brain.

Seriously? Did zombies eat a part of my brain or what?

He is my neighbour.

Say what now?!

My freaking neighbour?


I start freaking out.

Vivian Kohl is my freaking neighbour.

When I said history is repeating itself, I didn’t mean it so literally dammit!

Oh God! Did I do something you didn’t like? If so, let me know. Don’t punish me without even hearing out my side of the story.

Oh! Sorry! You know every side of the story.


I try to calm down and block out my thoughts by turning the volume up when Shakira’s ‘Dare (La La La)’ song comes up, and jump on my bed and start dancing to calm down.

Trust me! It helps.

‘I dare you Leggo..Leggo..Leggo’ I sing along.

I sway my hips and bounce on my bed and just dance around my room.

After the song ends, I go dancing to the kitchen on some other song, it’s probably ‘Your body is a weapon’ by the Wombats.

I see dinner in the fridge, its chicken noodles with mom’s special sauce. I quickly call mom to ask when they are gonna be home, when I notice all the notifications.

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