Chapter- 8. Chocoholics!

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** Chapter- 8. Chocoholics! **

“I wanna eat ice creaaaaam” Rachael said happily.

“Me too” Heather joined in.

“Me three” John added.

“Me four.” Austin too adds.

“Me five.” Ricky also adds.

“Me six.” Mel also says.

“Me seven. Let’s go to Creamstones then!” Asher announces and everyone starts getting up.

After Kevin Young said that he is also gonna tag along with us, I somehow just didn’tfeel like eating my sandwich anymore.

But, nothing can ever destroy my love for ice cream. Right now I really need ice cream for some unknown reasons. Actually, I wanna have a brain freeze.

Ours is such a big group and now one more was added. A total of eleven teenagers. Awesome!

I sigh inwardly at the thought of the car ride with Vivian again.

Suddenly Ray stops and turns to us grinning and says “Why don’t we race?”

The guys all get excited and I too but then it fades realizing that I am gonna have to race with Vivian in his car.

I know, I am telling like it’s a very bad thing.

Hmm... Ok then, In the name of team spirit and also to win I will try and behave. Try

Ray sees that everyone agrees and her grin widens.

”Ok Guys. There is only one rule. You get to choose the way on which u wanna go, But if the other person chooses it before you then you can’t go on that path and would have to choose another one. That’s all.” Ray states the single rule.

Everyone nods and agrees.

“What does the winner get then?” Kevin asks.

“The loser pays for all the ice cream the winner wants.” I say.

Everyone agrees and gets even more excited.

“But who is gonna give the start signal?” Austin asks.

“Hmmm...” Rachael ponders on ides.

 That’s when I say “We can ask the bus boy in the diner.” And turn to Asher saying “He is a good friend of yours right?”

“Yeah! That’s right!” Asher says and runs off towards the diner. After a few minutes, he comes back out with Drew; I think that’s his name.

“Ok Guys. Drew here is gonna give the start signal. He will wave his dish towel once signalling to start. So everyone knows the rules right?”

“There is only one rule idiot! Can’t take thepath if it’s already taken by another one.” I say.

Everyone just nods and gets in their cars. I too get into his car. It seems that Kevin is gonna race alone in his car.

Drew waves the towel once and everyone starts. But Vivian puts the car on reverse and heads out in the opposite direction from everyone else. I somehow felt that he knew this route cause as far as my memory goes I remember he too loves ice cream.

 I just smirk but don’t say anything.

The route that he choose is the best one and very few people knew about this. From this route it takes hardly ten minutes to Creamstones and it goes  via our houses. What? Come on. I obviously know the best routes to my favourite ice cream parlour and apparently he does to.

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