Chapter -2 Another unexpected 'Devil' comes waltzing into my life.

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**Chapter -2 Another unexpected ‘Devil’ comes waltzing into my life.**

“Richard Anderson”

“Julian Collins”

“Kiara Wilson”

The introductions go on. But I can’t hear them properly.

All I can hear is that name ‘Vivian Kohl’...

As soon as he introduced himself and sat down, he looked at me. For a split second our eyes met and he smiled. Oh! that smile. I just couldn’t smile back. It’s like reflxes died. I just turned my expressionless face away from him. Thank God no one noticed this small incident in the class or else my friends would chew me until I told them about him.

My turn is coming to introduce myself.

I don’t think I can talk.


‘Sharlene get a grip girl’ I chant this in my head.

I see a girl in front of Jo introduce herself as ‘Ariana Thomas’.

“John Vancliff”, Jo says.


My turn.

I get up confidently and say “Sharlene Davidson” and sit down with a loud screech of my chair. Damn!

I don’t even dare to look at Vivian Kohl.

The class continues.

Generally in classes we all pass comments and make fun of small things and laugh and simply have fun. But today I am completely different.

The class finally finishes.


Everyone starts leaving the class. Finally I can go. Suddenly something clicks in my head and a slow whisper of ‘Holy Hell’ leaves my lip and I stand rooted in my place. Ash was behind me, who dashes into me and I stumble. I quickly compose myself and turn to ash saying “You are such a girl Ash. Sometimes I think you underwent some sort of gender change operation.” And stick my tongue out. By the look on his face I can say that my words hit a nerve. I dash out of class cause I know he is gonna chase after me.

He finally catches me starts tickling me near my waist. I jus stand there and lift my hands a little and give him access to tickle me. The thing is I am not ticklish at all.

He sighs and gives up .I smack him on his head with my binder and turn to see where the others are. I see my friends following behind us. When they reach us Jo says “You both act like 10 year old kids.”

“And you act like a 60 year old grandpa. Anyways age is just a number baby.”I say smiling. Jo just rolls his eyes at me.

We all then head to our next class which is physics.

The thing that clicked in my brain is Vivian Kohl is gonna be in all of my classes.

Yeah just my luck! I don’t know whose face I saw today morning when I woke up. But u know what I think, God just likes to make my life adventurous. Well Thank You God. I can’t ask for anything better.

I loooove physics even though it can be hard sometimes. It’s actually fun.

I enter the class looking at all the students. Actually, searching for the He-Devil. He is nowhere to be found. I guess Hell finally pulled him back. If so then I am gonna do the ‘Hurray Dance’.

A female professor enters the class room. Even though I am a straight girl I need to admit She’s hot. She was wearing a grey pencil skirt with a long sleeve simple white button up shirt and black peep toe heels. Her face was what made her look hot. Her eyes were pale blue. Brown hair. High cheek bones. Plump lips.


What’s wrong with me? I promise people, I am totally and absolutely 100% straight. It’s just her eyes that’s making me think this way. They aren’t ice cold but something is just different about her. Ok I am just reading too much into it.


Gabriel Potter’ she writes on the board and turns to us and greets us.

That’s when the mini monster enters the room. Shit! Now all of you are gonna miss my hurray dance. Well good for you.

As it is the first day Miss Potter let’s him enter the class. The Devil’s Spawn takes his place somewhere. I don’t even bother seeing where he sits.

Hell! Again introductions. I should have known that today whole day I am gonna repeat my, oh so lovely name many times and hear the son of Satan’s  name too. Great!

God! I know you are listening to me. I wholeheartedly express my sincere gratitude to you for making my life so interesting that I won’t ever, have the opportunity to tell you, that my life is boring at all.

Until lunch the same pattern continues.

We had two more classes before lunch and in them too we have introductions only. Soo boring. Oops! Scratch that. If the Almighty hears that he is going to spice my life up even more. As if it could be spiced up any more you say. Well I am also going to think that way.

On the way to cafeteria, I remembered that I have to still pay my tuition fees. My friends had already paid it in the morning, before I arrived cause I was late. I swear I wasn’t late. Just maybe a few minutes late. So I say them to buy me lunch too and that I will meet them there in a few minutes and leave towards the administrative office humming One night by Christina Perri under my breath.

I pay my fees and when heading out of the office I hit my forehead on a wall. Ouch! That hurt.

I stumble back catching my forehead and see that I hit a human who obviously has living organisms and hence is a living thing and so, not a wall. I might have fallen down if this stranger had not caught my elbow and steadied me.

“Are you Okay Sha?” he asks concerned.

I hate that question. It’s such an idiotic question in this situation. Obbviously I won’t be okay, you idiot. I hit my forehead and stumbled back. Ok, exaggeration alert.


Did he just call me by my nickname?



That voice.

I swear my brain works so slow sometimes. How could I have not noticed that voice. I can never forget that voice. Cursing my fate, I slowly look up and see him.


My college life is now totally screwed.

I look up and see those empty green eyes and dirty blond hair. He is looking at me with concern.

Just a whisper of his name leave my lips.

“Kevin Young”

God! Thank You for spicing up my life even more.

Oh! How grateful I will be to you forever (note the sarcasm here).




I know its kindda boring. Trust me its gonna get interesting. The story is  just starting. So I request you to be patient with me. I am gonna update soon.

I appreciate all the votes and comments.

Bye until later <3

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