Deal With It

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Harry's POV

I couldn't believe what I was seeing. Megan was...she! She was about to cut! I know I probably shouldn't have come up here, but I wanted to see if Megan would need someone to comfort her.

The knife clattered to the ground, and Megan fell back down on the bed, a blubbering mess. I was moving on auto control. I walked over to Megan and embraced her tightly. I pulled her into my chest, rubbing her back soothingly.

"I'm so sorry, Harry! I didn't mean to! I was just...I don't'm just so sorry!" She cried, grasping tightly onto me. Like I was going to leave her.

"You're okay, Megan. You don't have to explain yourself to me. Just know that I'm here, and I won't leave." I said, holding her closer to me.

Megan was silent then, allowing me to embrace her tightly. I could feel my shirt getting damp from her tears, and I didn't even care. I was okay with it. I just wanted to make sure she was okay.

Megan pulled back, so I was sitting next to her. She rested her head against my shoulder. "I don't think I'm ready to face Liz again. This fight was the biggest one ever. Telling her that I hated just got so out of hand. I can't go back to her yet, I just can't face her."

I tilted my head down, my lips hovering inches above the top of her head. Oh, how much I want to kiss her head. To pull her to my chest, and to never, ever let her go. I just want to make her mine.

"You can rest your head on mine, Harry. I understand. It's to make me better." Megan said in a soft voice.

She thinks I just want to rest my head on hers. Either way, I rested mine on top of hers. I enjoyed the way we fit. Her head on my shoulder, and my head to hers. It was perfect. Everything in this moment was perfect.

Liz's POV

I sat curled up on the floor, tears streaming down my face. This was too much for me to deal with. I can't do this. This was all too much. What if Megan...what if she...did she cut again? I wanted to run to her, and make sure my twinnie was okay, but the door was locked, and I heard Harry's voice in there, so I knew that there was no room for me. She was seriously mad at me. She was really going to ignore me, and there was nothing for me to do, except just deal with it, and I'm not ready to do that. I need my twin.

I felt arms wrap around my body, and pull me into a very defined chest. I didn't even need to look. I knew it was Niall. I could tell by the gentleness of the touch.

"Shh, Liz. Don't cry. I'm here. I promise not to hurt you." Niall whispered into the top of my head. It soothed me down a bit. Knowing that he was here with me. That it would be okay. That he wouldn't hurt me like Megan did. She had broken a promise to me. Shattered me.

I turned my head up to stare into his beautiful, piercing blue eyes. They were so amazing. I could stare into them all day, the way they were just so...indescribable. They were just that great. "Niall, you don't need to say anything. Just stay here with me." I said, softly, nuzzling closer to him.

Niall tucked me closer to him, wrapping his body around me, so I was secure into him. "I promise you, you will be safe with me." Niall said.

"I believe you, Niall. You don't need to worry. Trust me." I whispered, clinging onto him. Like this was the last hug I was ever going to get. I don't know why my emotions are like this.

Niall stood up suddenly, and gently lifted me to my feet. He brushed the tears off of my face. "I refuse to let you cry your eyes out in here. You're coming with me. We'll do something together, and I promise that you will have fun." Niall said, and he took my hand in his, intertwining my hands with his. The way that our hands fit perfectly lifted my spirits a little.

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